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One month on from the Vernon and Minghao incident and things had certainly changed. Minghao insisted on moving out, the whole neighbourhood was a malevolent death trap only wishing to screw him over so it was for the best.

He'd funnily enough found a place on the second floor of the underground bar/bakery and lived rent free in exchange for working there every night, Jinjin felt bad for the younger and took it upon himself to gift him at least a little good luck. He was still in contact with his four new found friends and had managed to push his feeling for Vernon away... for the most part.

Seungkwan and Vernon had become closer than ever after the incident they realised how much they needed each other and were working on becoming better versions of themselves as a new school year started up again. All four were staying on to persue a higher level of education, it was the standard in Healina.

Since the kingdom was small there was only one large university so they didn't have to worry about being split. Joshua was taking on a new masters in astrology while Seokmin was in his second year of a course in health and social care with the two youngest starting new courses as well, Seungkwan's being in media and performance whilst Vernon's was in, strangely, botany.

The others thought Vernon's course was a bit of a misnomer for him but weirdly he liked it, or so he said. Their courses had only started up again now since Healina left a wide holiday for sorting everything out following the ceremony.

"Vernon Chwe can you BELIEVE we never have to touch a math book again?" Seungkwan said excitedly pulling his boyfriend towards the entrance like it was a whole new beginning. Vernon laughed at how excitable the older was, swiftly pulling him into his chest and placing a soft kiss on the tip of his nose, "I'm so excited for us, I'm going to miss having you around in lessons though," He pouted whilst intertwining their fingers. "Me too," Seungkwan replied, mimicking the same expression when the pair where interrupted by Seokmin making fake vomiting noises.

Beside him was Joshua who was smiling on at them all, over the month this weird limbo had continued between him and Seokmin, the younger still not having any will to just give up and confess, It was funny how he was doing a course about care and was known for giving the best advice and positive words yet no one knew his own troubles sat unresolved for years.

Joshua was hopeful his degree would take his mind off everything, he'd never seen himself so angry and emotionally up and down before the past few months and it really took it out of him so he was hopeful staring at collections of stars would be far more soothing.

"Hi hyungs!" Seungkwan piped up, initiating his secret handshake with Seokmin and beginning to walk in the building, "I can't believe we're actually going to have to work again wow it sounds like so much work but it could be worse, I could want to stare at hot balls of gas and fire all day."

"Okay so one, stars are made of plasma and two your boyfriend literally wants to stare at plants all day and when I asked him why his favourite plant was a fern he told it was because it rhymed with Vern so..."

"You have a point."

"Hey!" Vernon said in a deeply offended tone that caused the other three to laugh as they walked in through the gates to their lessons.

"Minggleymonglejigglyjonglejinglepie~~~" Minghao heard from outside his new apartment. Rolling his eyes he managed to push himself off his chair, "What do you want, Moonbin?" With a harsh kick Moonbin let himself into the room, he was back in his soft pink apron and holding a tray of lemon slices.

"I feel like I'm losing weight just looking at you so please accept this batch of lemon slices." He stated swiftly as Minghao happily obliged, truthfully he'd just been too lazy to go out and get real food so the small gesture was appreciated. "I swear I locked my door."He said, lemon slice in mouth.

"Yes! But if I kick it in the exact right spot it'll open since it's old." Moonbin looked impressed with himself whilst Minghao just sighed and was worried about the costs of a new door he'd definitely have to pay for if Moonbin kept this up.

"You know... if you ever need to talk I'm here, okay?" Moonbin said hesitantly, he wasn't sure if it was the time to mention it but Minghao had told them nothing of the abuse, his stupid crush on Vernon or really anything, he didn't want to. "Thanks, although unless you can talk about ways to speed up the process of ageing so I can leave this preppy shithole of a kingdom earlier than I'm good."

"Well, the only way is getting different colour eyes so good luck with that." Moonbin was stating the obvious but this sparked something in Minghao's brain.

Just different colour eyes...

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