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Soonyoung was the first to wake up, eyes hazy and arms filled with a certain someone.

Grumbles soon emitted from his arms, alerting him to the fact the younger was awake. Jihoon was a little confused as he slowly woke up in the other's arms but stretched out the small amount he could in the tight grip then relaxed into it once again. The night prior was a blur but the fact he still had his clothes on was a good sign and Soonyoung was admittedly very warm so he figured it could've gone worse.

"Morning Hoonie~" The older chimed softly with a hint of precaution, unsure of how the smaller would react. To his relief he was met with more grumbles and his arm being latched onto tightly. Jihoon wasn't exactly sure if that was the right response but when he was tired he acted on the things he wanted without really considering any consequence and right now he just wanted to continued to be protected from the chilly March morning.

The pair stayed like this for a while until Soonyoung spoke up once again, "Are you okay, do you need anything?" Ever caring about the younger who lay there so peacefully.

Jihoon shook his head, he knew he was acting a bit childish but frankly, with Soonyoung, he didn't care. "I didn't- I didn't do anything wrong last night did I?" He said, looking up into Soonyoung's eyes and biting his lip.

"No, of course not. You were... angry at first and you hurt my feelings a little then you got really sad when I tried to give you space so I did what you do with me." Soonyoung replied in a calm tone, Jihoon looked anxious and he hated that face on him.

He received another, slightly more shy, nod. "I-I think," Jihoon turned around in the tight grip so they were face to face, "I think I want to try being with you." His words were quiet and laced with adorable nervousness.

Soonyoung's heart did a backflip at those words, after the night before he was unsure he'd even be able to maintain a friendship but he knew he had sleepy Jihoon to his advantage. Observing the dumbfound expression, the often cold producer began to giggle, a sound he was shocked he could even make. "You know... I'd kind of like to try that thing we did agai-"

Before Jihoon could finish, Soonyoung did it for him, catching their lips together and holding his chin up with his forefinger. Once again, Jihoon was slightly startled but able to kiss back this time, melting into it. It wasn't rough, it was sleepy yet exhilarating as they both felt sparks of energy through their veins, it just felt right.

Their mouths moulded together, every now and then breaking apart for air but soon diving straight back into it as their tongues did the talking. Panting, they finally broke apart properly, scanning each other's eyes and breaking into shy laughter.

"Does this mean you'll defend me from Jun's constant pickup lines?"

"Only if you'll slip me extra servings of Mingyu's meals." Jihoon deadpanned, having to put up with Soonyoung a bit more often was definitely worth the extra food.



Soonyoung was grinning like an idiot and Jihoon was shaking his head with a 'what did I just agree to' expression but it was only since he was properly awake now and his cold facade was rearing it's head. He rolled out of Soonyoung's grip and inspected his wardrobe since they always stole clothes from each other anyway he had no apprehension picking out an oversized shirt and some jeans, tossing the older some stuff he thought would be appropriate behind his shoulder.

Still looking at the wardrobe for accessories he spoke up again, "Soons can we not like tell anyone for a while?" He turned to look at him but saw him staring at his phone with a guilty expression. Before he could snatch the phone he already heard squealing from a floor above and heavy padded feet.

To: Jeonghan


"Oh you bitch." Jihoon mumbled as he saw not one but two people crash through his door. He instantly marched up to the two, grabbing each of their ears like naughty children and forcefully pulling them to the centre of the room before they could say anything but a chorus of 'Ow's.

"You little shits make this public and I will not hesitate to shove you up each other's asses and feed you to Aki, do I make myself clear?" He pointed a finger as Seungcheol and Jeonghan rubbed their ears with a shared a silent pout.

"What was all the fuss this morning?" Chan asked, looking between Jeonghan and Seungcheol, "W-We weren't doing anything out of the ordinary or conversing with anyone but each other." The oldest said, making Jeonghan face palm at the weird looks he was getting from around the table. He was such a terrible liar it hurt.

"They were definitely talking about something to do with fucking." Jun said casually, shoving toast in his mouth. A collective sigh was shared at his offbeat nature, "Let's all j-just ignore Jun okay?" Jihoon commented, the others believed Jihoon's falter in his speech was just a voice crack but Soonyoung knew it was because he was squeezing his thigh under the table.

'Gosh, this boy is going to be a handful.'

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