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"I swear this place somehow gets bigger every time we come here." Seokmin said in awe, looking up at the entrance of Healina's main shopping centre.

"Yeah, it's pretty impressive huh?" Joshua said, eyes taking in the pure white columns that held up the three floors of shops that stretched out in different directions. Luckily for them, they both had Thursdays off so they could walk around leisurely without the vast array of people that were usually seen on the weekend.

They ended up in a cute little café, wanting a drink after their fairly long walk to get there and impromptu encounter with Mrs.Yoon. "I'm really proud of you, I hope you know that." Seokmin said, sipping his green tea.

Joshua couldn't help but laugh since it was so sudden, "With Mrs.Yoon, you handled it so well a few months ago you were in a terrible state but with the coming of spring I really think this could be a new chapter. Not forgetting him but appreciating the time past."

Joshua nodded at his words, "I should be the one proud of you, you've had to deal with me this whole time and not once have you complained. Your wife will be so lucky one day, I'm enamoured by your patience." Although both chuckled at the slight cringe in their words they both knew they were serious but there was one error Seokmin felt he definitely had to correct.

"Shua, you know I'm gay right? I'm pretty sure the whole wife thing won't be happening any time soon." Joshua was surprised he never knew but nodded. "I mean you know I'm not exactly the straightest either so that's cool."

A slight awkward air brushed over the boys but they both tried to pass it off as comfortable silence, it was slightly crushing to Seokmin knowing that his infatuation with the older was definitely not recognised by him if he didn't even know he liked guys in the first place.

"So remember when you mentioned that plethora of stripy shirts..." Joshua trailed off, Seokmin instantly taking his hand, "Say no more."

"Shua, stop saying literally everything looks nice, you must have a preference." Seokmin said after trying on his eight almost identical stripy shirt. He was beginning to regret his decision but only slightly since seeing the younger's antics was always amusing no matter what the setting.

"Seok, seriously they all look the same and they all look good."

"Fine! I'll get all of them." Joshua's eyes widened since he knew how much that would cost but judging by the pout on Seokmin's face he was actually being serious. "Okay, fine, I liked the fourth one the best." He concluded, quickly trying to recall which was the cheapest.

"Ah ha! I knew you had a preference!" He smiled slyly, not catching onto the fact Joshua was just looking out for his wallet.

He bought the shirt and they exited the store, looking for somewhere else to go, "Geez, is that a whole store dedicated to couples outfits? How do they get enough sales?" Joshua pointed out. With a mischievous giggle, an idea popped into Seokmin's mind, "Do you want to go in there and try and get the most awful ones possible for Vernon and Kwannie?"

"Lee Seokmin you are a fiend!" He faint disgust as he soon linked their arms and entered the shop, a mistake. "Hello, aren't you the cutest boys ever, what can I get for you? We have a new spring line and it's absolutely wonderful-" An overly chatty worker spewed as soon as they walked through the door, the two quickly broke apart as that awkward air surrounded them again, Seokmin quickly trying to explain they're not dating.

'Why does this keep happening' Joshua thought as he let Seokmin deal with the woman until the both of them could safely sink into an isle.

"Oh this one is just a crime against humanity, I didn't know you could even find this stuff in Healina," Seokmin said, pulling out a set of shirts that had 'daddy' and 'princess' on them, Joshua almost choked at the site of holding the two up, "I mean, they're sort of cute..." He said quietly.

"Joshua Hong I wouldn't expect that from you." He tutted with a laugh, placing the shirts back on the rack. They eventually found some awful graphic tees and were about to pay when both pairs of eyes landed on two rather plain looking shirts, "We shouldn't...."

"But we both like them and they kind of fit our vibe so..."

"Screw it, were actually getting a dumb couples outfit"

Verkwan protection squad
(group chat)

the sun: you won't believe what we got for you losers >:)

the sun: you won't believe what we got for you losers >:)

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shua💙: >:)

bub: i'm scared but you guys look really cute !! i hope you had a good day

vern: hyungs, come watch a movie with us

the sun: sure guys, we'll be over soon

That day was a good day for both Seokmin and Joshua, the awkward moments and the laughs somehow brought them closer together, closer than they thought possible.

So, uh, how would you guys feel if there was maybe possibly smut in the next chapter (Odera)? 👀

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