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"As supreme leader of the bottoms I'm telling you we can't fucking lose this." For someone who had just a few minutes ago been shunning the idea, Wonwoo was certainly tapping into his competitive nature.

"Jihoon you and Jeonghan go to the right and Chan and I will come in from the left, if I see even one shot on your little machine thingy I will not hesitate to make your life hell." The 'machine thingy' Wonwoo was referring to was the box that registered when someone had been shot, it had a small counter for 'kills' as well as 'deaths'.

"Right as the owner of the biggest gun I appoint myself leader, sorry Cheol." Mingyu began, "Debatable." Junhui said with a smirk, glancing up and down the younger's body.

"Jun what the fu- you know what? Nevermind. Anyway basically I say we all go down the middle and just go for it yeah?"

"YEAH!" Soonyoung virtually screamed which made Seungcheol quickly cover his mouth. "Idiot..."

It had never been so quiet with all eight in a room together, every one of them trying to reenact James Bond style moves as if it would help them in some way. The four that opted to go in the centre were treading carefully, not able to see any of the others when they heard a small descending beeping sound, looking down Mingyu realised it was his death count raising by a point, "Guys I think my thing is broken," He whispered hitting it, if there was anyone around surely he'd see the light from their gun.

Another descending beep, this time from Seungcheol's, "What the- You!" He said, catching Jihoon's eyes in the dark and attempting to fire but he forgot about the short cool down once you'd been shot.

The others turned to where Seungcheol was pointing but two more beeps were heard as they aimed that were virtually at the same time, "He couldn't have done those both, what...?" Soonyoung mumbled as he began sprinting towards Jihoon but losing him in the darkness.

"Gotcha bitch!" Mingyu laughed as he turned around swiftly to shoot Wonwoo who was sneaking up behind him, "Yah! No fair." The older pouted, using his cool down to run back into the shadows.

"For making me climb a fucking building!" Jeonghan said, running past Seungcheol and shooting him as he went at a surprisingly quick pace for someone who claimed to be very out of shape.

"Retreat and regroup!" Soonyoung commanded like a military officer, his men were getting slaughtered.

They ran to the back and eventually lost the other four again, "Okay so new plan, we split up and try and take them, I'll go after Wonwoo, Cheol after Jeonghan, Soonyoung for the love of god find Jihoon, Jun you find Chan and Chan you can... Wait, Chan?" The four hadn't even noticed the youngest run back with them like it was nothing, he gave a cheeky wave before managing to shoot Mingyu and Jun once again before getting shot himself.

"That brat oh my-" Seungcheol shook his head with a smile, "Let's try this again shall we?"

In short, it went exactly the same as the last time with the four getting caught in all too simple traps and hardly landing any shots on the opposing team and as the game pulled into the Jihoon still hadn't been shot once.

"I'm going to find that cute little evil mastermind if it's the last thing I do," Soonyoung mumbled, tracing his way around the edges. That's when he saw him.

Jihoon was in the perfect corner with a small peephole that opened up into the main area where he could tell his team members were still running around confused as to how they just kept getting hit.

Jihoon was facing away from him though which was a problem since he couldn't get to the box on his chest. Still oblivious, Jihoon was caught off guard as he felt his wrist being pinned up against a wall, his gun falling out of his hand and crashing to the floor in the process.

His eyes widened to see Soonyoung all too close to him with a grin on his face, his heart was beating out his chest from the sudden shock and sudden proximity.

"Shoot me and go," Jihoon whispered as to not alert the others, startled at how sultry his own voice sounded. Hearing him say that Soonyoung couldn't take it, his eyes lingered on Jihoon's plump lips and in that moment the younger knew he could've quickly slipped away but he was for some reason frozen and as the thought passed Soonyoung brought their lips together.

He pressed their bodies close until Jihoon was backed up completely to the wall. To the surprise of both, Jihoon kissed back, wrapping his hand into the older's hair, lightly pulling as their lips continued to crash together in what felt like the longest 20 seconds of his life.

It was over as quick as it began, Soonyoung pulled the trigger and the small descending beep played into their ears as they parted, he was incredibly taken aback by the whole experience even though he initiated it, his eyes lingering on his long term crush once again until he disappeared into the darkness, leaving Jihoon to think-

'What the fuck was that?'

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