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[smut warning ⚠️]
end will be indicated by second [⚠️]
hard kinks, read at own discretion

Mingyu began to suck on Wonwoo's jaw, he was currently reading a book and wasn't in the mood so softly pushed the younger away even if they were the only two home that spring morning.

"Fuck off."

"Oh you didn't just-" Mingyu growled in a husky tone, grabbing Wonwoo's wrists in a single palm, shutting his book with an abrupt snap.

With one comment Wonwoo was now very much in the mood.

Mingyu grabbed him forcefully, taking him into the bedroom and throwing him down onto the mattress. "S-sorry sir," Wonwoo quivered, the duality of the two was crazy, changing completely and both wanting to believe it was only for each other.

Mingyu struck a harsh slap onto the older's cheek and pointed a finger, "Stay there." He said bluntly, turning to the bottom drawer in his closet which unveiled a plethora of toys, ropes and a fresh set of knives.

They were blunt, props of sort and they both knew that but Wonwoo liked the thrill so couldn't help his smile as he saw them.

Mingyu grabbed one with a baby pink handle and ran the blade across Wonwoo's chest, removing his clothing with a clean cut, dancing it oh so closely against the older's skin.

After a few minutes, everything was set up. Ropes bound Wonwoo's limbs and a thick black choker surrounded his bruised neck, he was completely naked, Mingyu leaning over him with eyes filled with nothing but lust.

"What's it going to be today baby, are you going to behave?" He began, playing with the tip of the knife between his fingers. Wonwoo nodded, squirming in his binds, "Words baby or you'll get nothing."

"Yes daddy, I promise~" He breathed out as he felt a cockring being pushed onto his already semi-hard dick. "Hmm, you've already disobeyed daddy though haven't you?"

Wonwoo quickly shook his head, "N-No~" He managed to suppress a moan. "Don't lie to me princess, you tried to refuse daddy didn't you? But you're daddy's little slut, understand?" Another harsh slap elicited a sharp whine from the older.

This was a common occurrence, the lines almost felt rehearsed at this point and if he was being honest, Mingyu would admit he didn't like being so harsh but was shut down when he expressed any sort of praise.

"Silly baby boy, it's almost like you don't want me to let you cum..." He said as he began tracing circles on the older's pale thighs. "Nnn~ please, stop teasing." He writhed around in his binds, cock twitching due to the toy as Mingyu just stared.

"Do daddy a favour and then we'll see, okay?" Mingyu said with dark eyes, throwing his jeans off and mounting himself onto Wonwoo's chest. He went in for a kiss but then harshly bit down on Wonwoo's lip, catching him off guard and making him gasp where Mingyu had the time to forcefully ram his dick down his sub's throat.

Small tears pricked Wonwoo's eyes as he was facefucked mercilessly. One hand was grasping his messy black hair tightly while the other was around his neck, Mingyu loved feeling his cock through Wonwoo's throat.

He pulled out, not wanting to cum yet, as he did so replacing the absence with his lips, "So fucking beautiful for me," He breathed out as Wonwoo bucked his hips beneath him, "Please, do something," He whined, unable to do anything himself because of the binds, everything was in Mingyu's control.

The request was accepted, Mingyu travelled down to Wonwoo's lower half, placing a short kiss on the tip of his dick before sinking down lower and licking around Wonwoo's hole, using it as lube to insert a finger. He thrust it in and out harshly before spitting on Wonwoo and adding two more fingers at the same time, stretching them out inside of him.

Even when it was only his hands, Mingyu was able to turn the older into a moaning mess as he tried to curl up and arch his back but couldn't get very far. "The ropes," He moaned out, causing Mingyu to take the knife and cut them all away.

"We're home fuckers," They heard from two floors down, "Gyu wait- Chan I don't want him to-"

"Want him to what, whore? Find out how much of a little slut his favourite hyung is? Because I'm feeling nice I'll give you a solution," Mingyu took out the pink knife and placed it to his throat, "Now if your pretty little moans are too loud you'll get cut, we don't want that now do we princess?" Wonwoo lightly shook his head as he felt the harsh metal on his skin. "Good, now you understand I can do this," Wonwoo hadn't noticed the younger lining himself up prior so it took a lot for him to not scream out.

No matter how many times they did this it was always hard to adjust to Mingyu's size. He snapped his hips back and forth at an animalistic pace, his thrusts were hard and deep and it was taking a lot for Wonwoo to keep to quiet mules. The blade began to press when he let out a louder gasp, telling Mingyu he found his prostrate.

Mingyu sped up his pace, drilling into the younger harshly as he gripped his hip so hard it was sure to leave a mark. He pulled out slightly to flip the older over, removing the knife and instead pressing his face harshly into the mattress so his loud screams became muffled.

The new position made the bed squeak as the powerful thrusts moved the mattress, Wonwoo was fucked senseless as he struggled to turn his head to the side, gasping for air and then speaking again, "Please~ the ring I- Ah, I need you to take it off so I can cum."

"Not yet princess, daddy will tell you when," Mingyu said, forcing his head back down as he overstimulated the older so much he could feel his thighs begin to shake uncontrollably.

He flipped Wonwoo around once again so he could see his face, "Cum as loud as you want baby, I want the others to know you're mine." He demanded, pulling the ring off and jerking his dick up and down as his thrusts sped up again for the last time, his hard dick managing to lift him up momentarily as he saw Wonwoo cum all over their chests with a loud scream.

As he convulsed, Mingyu's thrusts became sloppier, jaw hanging open as he came, filling up Wonwoo and admiring his cum dripping out of the older.


"I'm going to go apologise to Chan now." Wonwoo said, picking up his clothes and lightly limping to the corner to get changed.

The words instantly saddened Mingyu, "Won please, you can't keep going from fucking me to ignoring me completely... you know how I feel."

"Fine, we can stop this then." Wonwoo replies coldly and seeing the hurt in Mingyu's eyes made him scoff, "What, you want to only do this? Scientifically I don't think that's possible." He laughed dryly. His real emotions were kept in check and sometimes it did upset him that he had to be the one to control it.

"I know you like me Wonu, why do you keep pushing me away?" He pouted, a complete contrast to how he was a few minutes ago. "I love you enough to let you go, just move on."

The 'I love you' created a sharp sting in Mingyu's chest, "Fine, we can stop this I guess, maybe then you'll learn to speak to me like a normal human being and we can both move on."

"Yeah..." Wonwoo agreed, exiting the room to go find Chan.

But what if I can't move on, is there any place for that?

Wow okay, I'm scared to publish this djdhfj please tell me how it was and sorry if it was a bit much for some of you, there will be softer smut in the future I'm sure.

Also sorry I had to republish this because wattpad was being weird

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