Q&A - Answers

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Thank you to everyone who submitted questions, there were quite a few and I don't know when to stop so sorry this is so long but sift through and you might find something interesting also bare in mind the characters could be lying or avoid the question if they feel the need to.

I left out questions if they were similar to another and a couple of people didn't put them in the right places but hopefully I worked out who they were meant to go to. Please don't hate me if I left yours out lmao this is almost 5000 words long as it is.


When will you admit that you like Hannie?

I'm going to trust that this is a safe space where no one can attack me but honestly I would love to I just don't know...

Have you ever been jealous of Joshua?

I don't really know much about Joshua, Jeonghan never really talks about Healina too much anymore. In the beginning he would talk about him a lot and Hannie still has those cuff link presents on his bedside table but I'm not sure I'd go as far as jealous.

What's the most beautiful thing you find about Jeonghan?

His ability to keep everyone together, I don't know how we functioned without him really. It's admirable even if he is a little mean sometimes.

Who do you expect will leave Odera and why?

I don't want to even think about it, it always makes me feel sick. In my eyes, they're all worthy of going there for different reasons. Jun is so lighthearted, Soonyoung is really passionate about his dancing, Wonwoo is always trying to educate himself and sorts out all our money with no complaints, Jihoon works tirelessly for all of us, Mingyu couldn't hurt a fly and is just so good at keeping everyone going and Chan is just the sweetest kid you'd ever meet. I don't expect any of them to go, I think all of them could go, I want none of them to go.


Would you still accept Shua if you stayed as a Healinian?

Accept Shua? Like if he asked to date me??? He wouldn't do that, we were only ever friends and besides, I'd be sad if he asked me before Seokmin got the chance to confess his overwhelmingly obvious crush. I hope he's done that now.

If ever you see Shua again will you be with him or Cheol?


If you were given a chance to go back to Healina would you take it?

That's tricky. I want to see all my friends again and my family, I've been thinking a lot about my mum recently and I hope she's coping without Sanha and I but in the past year I've built a life here so I'm not sure I could bring myself to leave. It's silly to fantasise anyway, what's done is done.

Who is the naughtiest kid amongst you guys?

I wouldn't say any of them are naughty, some just indulge in more... questionable interests than others.

How's Seungcheol? And oh did you perhaps sometimes feel any telepathic message from Joshua?

You'll have to ask Seungcheol, I don't know what goes on in that head but I don't think it's much. Joshua and I are spiritually bonded so yes.

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