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"He- he what?" Seungkwan shook his head in disbelief, beginning to smile. "No you're joking, right? Jeonghan is hiding behind the door, you can come out now Hannie."

No one came out.

"That's- he can't be, he's the Yoon Jeonghan." Seungkwan began to tear up and Vernon held him close.

"It's true." Seokmin said shakily, he had been waiting at Joshua's house for the boy to come home when he was met with puffy eyes and an empty heart, it stung to see someone he cared for hurting that much; he instantly knew what was wrong.

Joshua refused to leave his room but allowed Seokmin to tell the others.

"It just doesn't make any sense." Vernon said, too shocked to show any emotion. He rocked Seungkwan back and forth in their embrace in attempt to calm the shorter down.

"I have to go to work but just hang in there okay, everyone is distraught and I'm sure the Yoons are in an absolute state, I don't even want to think about Sanha." Seokmin said, shaking his head.

"Aw Seokkie it's okay~" Jihyo said, stroking the tall boy's hair. "I just don't know what to do." Seokmin replied. He was at work at his local care home and really it was care for both ends, the old people were wise and gave him so much advice while he made sure they were comfortable and had everything they needed.

Seokmin was currently meant to be supplying biscuits for their afternoon tea but the residents of the care home enjoyed living vicariously through the young boy's life and hated seeing him so stressed.

"The same happened to me," Another resident spoke up, Kihyun, "I was born in Odera, it was the 138th ceremony and I was brought here, away from my best friends, family, everyone. The culture change is huge and I'm sure your friend will have a hard time but you can't change the system." Seokmin pouted at the elder's words, still resting his head on the soft lap of Jihyo.

"It's just strange, it makes me wonder if we really knew him, could the system be flawed? Does it make mistakes?" Seokmin implored, "'Trust in the system'" Another resident, Nayeon said mockingly. "When I was your age I had a girlfriend and she was amazing, absolutely perfect and yet I was the one that stayed. Jeongyeon was my everything but it's silly really, young love, you shouldn't count on it." Seokmin thought it was rather pessimistic of her but couldn't blame the frail old lady for her views.

"Th-thanks everyone, what am i doing, does anyone need anything?" A few murmurs about extra tea and blankets and Seokmin continued on with the rest of his shift trying to formulate how he was going to support his Shua.

knock knock

"Mum please not-"

"It's Seok."

A small creaking of the door emitted through the corridor to reveal a completely awful looking Josh. Seokmin instantly wrapped his arms around the serenity eyed boy, brushing away some stray tears with his thumb and cupping his face.

"Shua..." Seokmin wasn't sure what to say, what are you meant to say in such a situation? "Don't just- just stay like this for a while please." Joshua said between sobs, it was the evening after the ceremony and he still hadn't calmed down at all. So there they stayed, the older clinging onto the younger in the small corridor in silence, discounting the occasional sniffles and sharp inhales.

After a while Seokmin reluctantly spoke up, "Shua you have to at least eat, yeah? Jeonghan wouldn't want you to be like this." Seokmin felt a small nod in the crevice of his arm and directed the boy into his bedroom, softly allowing him to fall back on the bed. "Just a second, I'm going to get you some stuff."

Seokmin pouted, walking down the stairs to the kitchen, Joshua looked like a hopeless child and he just wished there was a way to make it all better.

In the kitchen he prepared a light meal, some toast and a cup of hot chocolate partly because no one is that hungry when mourning and partly because Seokmin couldn't cook to save his life.

Joshua let out a slight chuckle seeing the burnt toast and slightly spilt hot chocolate before him, Seokmin returned a sheepish smile; he was glad Joshua calmed down a bit now he was here.

Through soft crunches of toast Joshua began to speak, "I really thought that was it, you know? Yoon Jeonghan, my answer to everything, together forever but all of that is over. How am I meant to rewrite my broken fate?" Joshua was clearly spiralling, overcome by his thoughts when Seokmin rubbed his shoulder soothingly, "I can help you with that, hyung." Seokmin smiled but that soon changed when Joshua burst out.

"No Seokmin, no you can't, you can't say that, Jeonghan is gone and unless you can think of one of your shit ass schemes to get him back then what can you really do, huh? You'll probably leave me too-" Joshua broke down after that, surprised and ashamed at his own outburst.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I just-" He started up again but was stopped with a slap. "Joshua Hong you need to stop this, all of this, Jeonghan wouldn't want to see you like this and neither do I so sit your ass down and let me help you while you eat that shitty fucking toast."

"Thanks... I needed that." Joshua replied, rubbing his cheek, "Fine, help me rewrite me."


Idk why my brain was like ha ha let's make Twice and Monsta X elderly but that's a thing now.

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