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"Right lads let's give Jeonghan the welcome he doesn't want, need or deserve!" Seungcheol burst into the living room pumped for a new friend and a long speech but no one was there.


No reply.

It would be easy to falsely assess the situation and believe some grave danger was afoot but Seungcheol knew well enough by now his housemates were crackheads with sporadic sleep schedules and a tendency to disappear and arrange things without properly discussing it, the only time where it was likely everyone would be together was dinner time, missing Mingyu's meals simply wasn't tolerated in the household.

Seungcheol saw a note stuck to the TV,

'Out with Chan, Jun followed us for some reason, Soons has disappeared again, wont be back until tonight, have fun with Jeonghan.'

He was always grateful Jihoon actually informed the older of what was happening most of the time. As for Wonwoo and Mingyu he wasn't exactly sure where-

"Ah, fuck~"

Okay, now he was exactly sure what they were doing and where so he tried to mentally block it out and made his way down a flight of stairs to where Jeonghan had slept.

They had given him his own room since there were plenty to spare, for the minute it was completely bare but Seungcheol was excited to see how Jeonghan would adapt it to make it his own; he loved how each of the boy's rooms were like a small scrapbook of their personalities and interests accumulated over the years.

"Jeonghan?" Seungcheol spoke softly, unsure if the boy was awake, the movement of the lump under the bedsheets suggested he was in fact awake.

"Sanha it's too early just-" Jeonghan let out a sharp inhale as he was reminded he was no longer in Healina, he was in Odera and he had these weird rose quartz eyes and a boy was in his doorway- wait, a boy was in his doorway?

Jeonghan squeaked, pulling up his covers whilst his brain mentally went through the events that had occurred. "Morning to you too," Seungcheol chuckled, stepping into the room and handing Jeonghan a simple white shirt with some black ripped jeans.

"We can get you some clothes today but borrow mine for now, I can not be seen with you in that fairy crap Healians wear." Of course by 'fairy crap' he was referring to any form of colour.

"O-okay," Jeonghan replied, shooing the older out so he could get changed. He felt weird, very weird like so many emotions and words left unsaid were both at the forefront of his brain whilst also being desperately boxed away in an attempt to humour the person who housed him.

He pulled on the clothes and was soon dragged outside by an excitable Seungcheol. They reached the outside and Jeonghan looked around the rather dusty environment; Healina and Odera were the antithesis of each other, greenery and light filled the safe streets in his home kingdom but here? It all looked desolate, abandoned and yet so full of life as the earthy paths showed signs of disrepair and yet it felt so... free.

Seungcheol put on a voice not dissimilar to a ringmaster whilst holding the grin of a small boy, "Gentleman and- no wait it's just you, what you are about to witness here today is someone like no other, someone so close to my heart and so extravagant you may find yourself melting from one simple gaze," Seungcheol was wildly moving his hands in front of a padlocked garage, leaving Jeonghan confused.

"You lock your girlfriend in a shed?" He said hesitantly which was followed by a stern "Yes." From the latter.

"I present to you, chilli."

With one grand motion he pulled up the door of the now unlocked garage and what lay before the boys was, much to Jeonghan's relief, not some sort of strange sex slave but a motorbike.

"Okay but the fuck it got so many mirrors for?" Was Jeonghan's first comment, it was impressive bike but the mirrors were a tad excessive.

"So I can see myself from all angles, duh," Seungcheol tried to sound calm but inside he was more than slightly offended at the boys lack of awe for his bike.

"Shouldn't you be looking at I don't know, the road?"

"Yeah, well..."

After a bit more bickering and Seungcheol almost throwing Jeonghan out for suggesting they take Jihoon's apparently cooler bike, an absolutely unforgivable act of blasphemy in Seungcheol's opinion, they got on.

Jeonghan awkwardly wrapped his arms around Seungcheol's waist in oder for the two not to crash horrifically before their story had begun no matter how tempting the author found it.

"So are we going to the mall?"

"Bold of you to assume us Oderians are coordinated enough to put together a functional mall, we're going to the market."

The older gave him a soft smile and the two set off.

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