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As the sun rose the following day the camp felt... peaceful. The heavy night was replaced with a glowing morning as the seven felt that slight bit closer to their newest addition.

Wonwoo awoke first, rolling his eyes at Mingyu sprawled across his chest and Chan hugging into one of his legs, really they could've done with a one man tent the way the two youngest decided to cling onto him. He simply tutted, detaching himself from the pair. "Fuck this forest is creepy," He mumbled sleepily, the sun not doing much to ease the twisted black wood that engulfed their small campsite.

The next to rise was Jihoon and Soonyoung, they'd been very reserved in their first few weeks of dating, holding back from everyone to work everything out. "Boop." Soonyoung said, pressing on Jihoon's nose that had tinted a sleepy red. "If you were anyone else I'd fucking kill you," He mumbled with heavy eyes. After that he was met with a kiss on the same place that caused him to nuzzle his face back into the pillow. "Fuck you," He spoke into the pillow to hide his small blush, the pair acted like high schoolers.

When Wonwoo finally saw the pair appear from the tent he gave a short wave before going back to cleaning up a little since no one was in a position to the night before. "Where's Cheol?" Jihoon asked casually, noting the absent tiny tent.

Wonwoo looked confused, "I haven't seen him...?" He didn't like the vibes of the forest and was already coming up with a plethora of scenarios. "He probably just went for a walk or something," Soonyoung said, brushing it off until he was interrupted by a load scream.

The trio's eyes widened, Jun also peeking his head out his tent to try find out what happened. They rushed to the site of the sound and found themselves at Jeonghan's tent.

Inside sat a raging Jeonghan and a sleepy Seungcheol, "Why the fuck would you think it's acceptable to come into my tent and sleep literally on me and not even say anything, you could've been a murderer!"

"A murderer asleep on your chest? And hey! I wasn't the one that decided to give me the tiny tent I was freezing and so I helped myself," Seungcheol said, rubbing his eyes. They were interrupted by the four who had clambered into their tent, "I fucking knew there was something going on between you two!" Soonyoung exclaimed, Seungcheol was still resting on Jeonghan's chest, putting them in quite the compromising position.

Seungcheol instantly zipped up, "Yah, you would've done the same if this fuckface had given you the tiny tent!" He said, "Okay but this tent is huge and you slept on top of him?" Jun said, finding how flustered the pair were quite amusing.

"What's going on?" Mingyu asked, now joined by Chan who both woke up from all the commotion. "Cheol is fucking Han now apparently," Wonwoo stated simply, "Yes! Jihoon pay up!" Mingyu said but was interrupted by Jeonghan, "Woah, how did we get to that conclusion? I'm a victim of assault."

"How was that assault?!" Seungcheol replied, their bickering continuing as the other six slowly left the tent, satisfied with how much they managed to wind up the two oldest.

Mingyu was making breakfast while the others sat around, distant arguing could still be heard from the biggest tent. "You guys make me sick," Jun said, looking at the Soonhoon couple that were sharing a camping chair, Jihoon already beginning to fall asleep again in Soonyoung's arms, "Jealous are we, Wen?" Soonyoung smirked. He wasn't expecting, Jun to casually reply a short "Nah," And click his tongue making a small black cat emerge from his tent, "You brought the fucking cat?" Wonwoo said, "Shut up you love her."

Aki was strangely quite content, even if she was in the daunting forest it seemed to fit her vibe so she jumped onto Jun's lap and purred lightly, "Mine is cuter," Jun said, sticking his tongue out at a baffled Soonyoung.

Chan was helping Mingyu with the food, pancakes was on the menu again since it was everyone's favourite, "This makes me so happy, thank you hyungs!" The youngest exclaimed, his pure soul making everyone coo.

Soon emerged Seungcheol and Jeonghan who had finally finished their bickering when the scent of pancakes wafted through the makeshift campground. The eight enjoyed their meal, or technically nine of you count Aki who Mingyu had made a miniature pancake for as well per Chan's request.

Everything was nice, sure there were a few issues, Mingyu and Wonwoo were still acting off despite their shared feelings, scars from the past were still hard to face and Jun was still dealing with that reverberating loneliness even if it felt a little better in this small pocket of forest. But it was them; they felt, for the most part, content and were trying to enjoy every minute.

"So truth or dare anybody...?" Jeonghan asked slyly when the pancakes were all gone.

"What are we, 12?"

"Shut up, it'll be fun."

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