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The two were back to awkward silence as they walked down the stairs and when they approached the living room and kitchen no one was exactly sure how to act.

"Food is ready," Mingyu gleamed his classic grin, trying to lighten the mood, the smile faltering a bit when his eyes landed on Jeonghan.

"Mingyu I'm sorry, call me what you like okay? I'll help you with the plates," He smiled and the younger gave a small nod reminiscent of a toddler.

The pasta Mingyu made was delicious and Jeonghan loved it, it reminded it of his favourite restaurant in Healina.

"Wasn't there one more of you?" Jeonghan asked, remembering the other boy who he had met at the ceremony.

Jihoon let out a sigh, "Soonyoung has a tendency to do this, if we're lucky he'll be back tonight but don't count on it, he's been a bit weird since the beginning of last year."

"Mans getting wasted, high or both and I respect him for that," Junhui commented, lifting his beer and clinking it with the air.

"It's been hard since he's changed, I don't know what it is and I feel guilty in a way? I hate his guts but he's my best friend and I've known him the longest so it fuckin sucks to see him messing his life up when he shouldn't need to, he's so talented??? We'd be lost without his choreographing and even if he is a huge cretin I still want him to be safe,"


"Wonwoo shut the fuck up you waste of air I will personally sew up your mouth so you can never speak or give head again,"

"Andddd he's back."

The group continued to talk and eat, Jun was begging Chan for one of his cookies and Mingyu was beginning to clean up when there was a loud thud a floor down from where they were sat.

"Soonyoung." Jihoon said, going down to investigate. He re-emerged 10 minutes later hauling a very wrecked looking Soonyoung up to the main room.

"WHATS UP PARTY CITY LETS GET THIS PLACE PUMPING," Soonyoung screamed, alerting everyone not already in the room to his presence.

"Imma be real with you, I don't even know what he's taken this time," Jihoon said, unceremoniously dropping the older on the floor.

"Jihoon baby why are you so meannnn~~" He slurred, kicking his legs up and down like a child as the other roommates watched in amusement.

"Is this a common occurrence?" Jeonghan whispered to Seungcheol.

"About four times a week so yeah pretty much, their back and forth is fucking hilarious and Jihoon will not get it through his small brain that Soons is whipped,"

"Mingyuuuewie make me some breakfast please, I need to be at work in 30 minutes, Wonwoog message Sylvia I'll be there soon," Soonyoung commanded, still slurring and looking up at the ceiling pointing in random directions.

"You don't have a Job."

"Who the fuck is Sylvia?"

Jihoon had had enough, rolling his eyes he grabbed the older once again, "Come on you big baby, shows over, let's get you clean." With a short teasing 'ooOoHHh' from Jun, Jihoon grabbed his best friend and pulled him into his bedroom.

"What happened to you Soons?" Jihoon said, carefully removing the latter's clothing in order to put some pyjamas on him, this had become routine at this point and the sober Soonyoung was always regretful of how much the younger helped him.

"You~~" Soonyoung replied with a small giggle. "This is in no way my fault." Jihoon stated bluntly, he didn't know why he always had these conversations with the boy since none of them ever went any different.

"You're a liarrrr," Soonyoung replied, playfully pushing the other on the shoulder, "It's because I love you Hoonie!"

Jihoon rolled his eyes, every time. "Yeah yeah Soons, love you too bro now please don't vomit on my sheets this time."

He pulled the older up carefully, using a wet cloth to clean up his face a little and flattening down his hair before taking his hand once again and leading him to his bed.

Jihoon's room was comforting and organised, his desk with various equipment on one side and a large double bed on the other, everything was navy blue and black and he had an en-suite plus a balcony. It was certainly one of the fancier rooms in the house. 

He hauled a now quite sleepy Soonyoung onto his large double bed and propped him up on his side, the only reason he slept in the same bed as him was to make sure he didn't choke on his own vomit or have some sort of reaction in the night. They were best friends and Jihoon found himself caring for the older, there was nothing weird about it.

Jihoon faced the other way and switched off the lights, "Goodnight Hoonie,"

"Night, Soonie."

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