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"Everyone step the fuck out of my way," Wonwoo commanded, not caring how harshly he pushed Junhui. On his way out of the apartment he had grabbed his medical equipment whilst Mingyu had opted for a gun, just in case.

Upon seeing Chan his heart hurt, he could see the boy's side was bleeding profusely but his head was focused. "He's been stabbed in his right posterior iliac crest, it's okay Chan you'll be fine. Someone get me a load of towels and some pain killers, we can't move him now or he'll bleed to death."

"WHAT?!" Chan spoke up, "You'll be fucking fine Chan what don't you understand about that?" Wonwoo sounded more desperate than angry, Jihoon had quickly ran off to get towels while Wonwoo had taken Soonyoung's hands and placed them tightly on the open would eliciting a painful scream from the youngest.

Jeonghan and Seungcheol just watched from the side in horror, too shocked to move a muscle. Mingyu and Junhui had begun looking around the area to make sure everything was alright.

Strings of curses were coming from Wonwoo, he had definitely taken the lead in this but it didn't come as a shock to anyone, Wonwoo practically raised Chan and the others that knew about their situation could only imagine how the tall boy with raven hair was coping inside.

There was no time to ask questions about how it happened, saving Chan was the main priority here but as Jeonghan had come to find out in Wonwoo's lesson this sort of injury wasn't bad enough for hospital under Oderian rules.

A very out of breath Jihoon emerged with Wonwoo's requests who got the surrounding boys to help clean up the blood. Wonwoo was just thankful there was only a pool of blood on the younger shirt and no objects sticking out so he could wrap a thick bandage around his waist easily.

It was so painful to watch as blood still oozed out onto the dirty ground below, "I'm not going to be able to dance again am I? Hyung what am I going to do?" Fat tears filled his eyes but Wonwoo decided it was best to speak calmly despite Soonyoung's look of sheer terror at the revelation. "You'll be able to dance again Chan, Okay? Just relax, the worst is over." Jun and Mingyu returned, giving reassuring nods that everything had calmed down.

Suddenly Mingyu broke into a smile, then a laugh as he clapped his hands, "It worked!"

"Thank you Jeonghan, everyone, this was my lesson: Crisis control."

Chan bounced up and started laughing at everyone's shocked faces that cycled through an array of emotions.

"This was a lesson for everyone, except Chan but I needed someone in on it, Soonyoung, good job keeping the pressure and not freaking out too much because I really expected a bigger reaction from you. Jihoon you were so quick with that well done, Jun thank you for thinking of everyone's safety, Seungcheol well done for alerting us in the house, I was worried this would all go down with out me, Jeonghan sorry to put you through this but it needs to happen so we all know what to do and finally Wonwoo..."

He trailed off upon seeing Wonwoo didn't find it very funny. "Mingyu what the fuck?"

"I thought Chan was going to die in my arms and you're just doing this for the sake of it, don't play with me- with all of us like this."

Wonwoo walked up to Mingyu, lightly punching him on his chest, "Jerk..."

"Sorry... You did really well though, you put him in the recovery position and knew exactly what to do! So basically you've made everyone feel better knowing you're there to save us and I mean if something like this happened to you we might be fucked but it's okay! Chan is alive and thoroughly enjoyed his little acting role,"

Wonwoo nodded softly when Jihoon spoke up, "How did you even orchestrate all this?" He was genuinely intrigued.

Cracking his knuckles Chan began, "So basically Mingyu was experimenting in the kitchen when he made this sauce that looked like blood and he was like 'ah ha Chan this looks like blood' so I was like 'imagine if we pranked them and said I got stabbed' but he didn't find it very funny so I twisted it into this educational thing and we planned it for Mingyu's time with Jeonghan so we could all learn something. I was carrying these packs of the 'blood' in my bag for the whole ass day and I even suggested Cheol come with us which I'm shocked no one caught onto but it worked and when I said I was going to get some milk from the shop which you also should've questioned because why would I need milk lol but anyway my friend helped me out by running at me with a fake knife but we made sure I was far away so everyone saw it go down but from a distance. Then everyone comes running and I'm like: last dying breath mode 'go get... the... others.' So i'm sat in this pile of sauce outside the house and in the commotion i just kept popping more and more bags under my shirt making it look worse and you know the rest."

Chan looked very proud of himself, high fiving Mingyu in the process.

All the others could do was shake their heads, cooling off from the commotion of the day and returning to their little home where Mingyu cooked them the best food they'd had in a while as a small apology.


You're crazy if you thought I could seriously injure/kill off Chan this early

Also double update yay

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