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"How are you Minghao?" Vernon said, resting on the older's couch. While Joshua, Seokmin and also slightly Seungkwan had tried to avoid the boy after the club Vernon had kept his intrigue. Since they were neighbours their visits became more frequent.

"Okay? I guess, I don't know really if I'm honest. I don't really have a vent so I'm just trying to work my way through stuff." Although he hadn't pointed it out, it was evident to Vernon there was a fresh bruise on his cheek, he'd heard the fighting even upon their first meeting and he could tell it was eating Minghao up inside.

"I know you don't know me all that well but Minghao you can talk to me, I can see this you know? I don't want you to try and hide it, I know I'm all you've got." He held onto the older's thin hands reassuringly with a soft nod.

"It's my dad," He began, looking away from Vernon due to the sensitive subject, "You know I'm not exactly your average Healina child in fact even in the club I've never met anyone quite like me but no ones ever been so horrible towards it compared to him. He hates me Vernon, despises me just because he works for the government or whatever he thinks I'm an embarrassment. I'm so fucking glad I look nothing like that pig, I look like my mother who's an angel but so timid. She can't fight back against my father but neither can I and I'm so fucking sick of it, Vernon, fucking sick of the 'you'll never be good enough's the 'fucking whore's, the raw physical abuse I just-"

By this point Minghao was shaking, it was all spilling out involuntarily, his eyes red and puffy. Vernon cradled him into a hug, holding like a baby because god knows he needed it even if the action was unusual for the younger. Through broken sobs Minghao spoke, "How can someone so cruel be in this kingdom? Healina isn't meant to be this way,"

"I can't let you continue like this." Vernon said, wiping Minghao's tear stained cheeks, "I know you've known me for a month but that doesn't change the fact that this is wrong, we can find a way out of this and not just a way in two years, now, right now," Vernon's eyes were darting around like he was forming a plan in his brain.

"You can come live with me, my parents are never home and anyway Boo is with me all the time so you'll be safe!"

"Vernon are you crazy?! My father wouldn't allow that in a million years at least I think so? Would he? Or does he just want me gone?" Minghao was sat up now, still resting his hands on the younger.

"If you want to leave, get out."

A stern voice filled the room, Minghao's dad was back; the two stared blankly back.

"I said get the fuck out of my house!" The man said, leaving Minghao quivering and Vernon stunned. The boys had no time to process his presence when he started up again.

"Why is a Chwe in my house huh? Have you got your whore ass a boyfriend now, is that it? Oh no that's right you're a slut! Pathetic little bitch, you really think I'd fight to keep you here? No! Fuck off with your shitty attitude, my son died years ago; I'm more than okay letting whatever you are go." He harshly spat on Minghao's face, grotesque saliva covering his tear stained cheeks.

Adrenaline finally clicked in for Vernon seeing his friend in such a state, he grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the house, glaring at the man with eyes like hot pokers. At heart he was a pacifist so seeing this all go down so quickly left him on the edge of his beliefs but all he knew is he had to get Minghao out of there so that's what he did.

Slamming the large door he swiftly turned to face a shaking Minghao. He quickly wiped off the spit from his cheeks, "Look at me Hao, it's okay, you're okay."

Minghao was violently shaking his head but let himself be dragged to Vernon's house. His head felt empty as he felt the warmth of a blanket around him, a hot chocolate placed in his hands, a worried Mr and Mrs Chwe looking at him with concerned eyes, he just felt nothing.

There was always an empty piece in his heart but now he felt it more than ever, this was all too much to process for him.

He felt Vernon's hand on his shoulder and he felt like a child being helped around everywhere but the moment he broke down all his dignity was lost anyway so there was no point in caring about it.


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