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Pledis Central

"Shit this is actually happening." Mingyu said in the drivers seat of Jihoon's truck, they were parked right outside and looking upon the large dome where people were entering. Wonwoo had his hand resting comfortingly on the younger's thigh who seemed to be much more worried than him. Behind them were the rest of the boys who had their ceremony as well as Seungcheol who'd insisted on coming as well.

Minghao really wanted to go but it was too dangerous so they left him behind, Chan practically begged but no one wanted to see him breakdown if things went south and Jeonghan said he didn't want to go back there so opted to look after the younger ones even if they didn't need it.

"What happens if we just stay at home?" Jihoon joked, trying to lighten the mood but everyone was far too anxious.

"Great idea Ji, let's just sleep in and forget all about it. Maybe we can get everyone executed the next day along with breakfast if we're lucky." Jun said, legs bouncing up and down in worry.

"Whats gotten you so worked up?" Soonyoung asked, shooting him a glare for being rude to Jihoon.

Jun gave him a confused look, it was a stupid question after all, "Am I not allowed to be? This shit is scary."

"Jun you have the least to worry about." He rolled his eyes.

"I think you'll find that's you actually."

"Hey!" Soonyoung complained, shooting an even more intense glare at the older but everyone else in the truck nodded in agreement as Mingyu finally undid his seat belt. "We should probably get this over with, I'll make everyone's favourites when we get back." Mingyu tried to smile at everyone but it faltered when it got to Wonwoo.

Everyone got out the car and stared at the building for a second. It hadn't quite dawned on them that this had the potential to be the last time they'd hug their friends and lovers.

Seungcheol opened his arms, "Group hug?" He asked, forcing back the tears that threatened to fall. This was nothing like his ceremony, they treated it as a joke but for some reason with the four boys that stood in front of him that were practically family he couldn't help but worry.

Usually there would be a snarky remark or protest but all six of them fit into a slightly uncomfortable embrace. "No one cry, I'll see you fuckers in a bit, yeah?" Seungcheol said with a wobbly voice.

"Yeah," They all replied somewhat shakily. That was until Mingyu got a tap on the shoulder from a man dressed in full uniform, a large gun strapped across his chest. "We ask that the sentiments are cut short, the ceremony will begin soon and those of you participating today still need to go through screening." The man said, unimpressed. Pledis weren't exactly well known for their welcoming hospitality.

Mingyu pulled away and after scanning the man's attire, decided it was wise to just comply. Jun, Wonwoo, Soonyoung and Jihoon broke away with last final waves, letting themselves be taken to a different area in the building.

Seungcheol hadn't really discussed the details of his ceremony so they all looked slightly lost, piling into a room with a large amount of other people their age while obnoxious Pledis messages rang out through the speakers above them.

"Routine scanning will commence, everyone just form an orderly line and walk through the metal detector." A rough male voice boomed throughout the room. "The fuck do they need metal detectors for?" Jun asked, frowning at the studded belt and chains he happened to be wearing that day. "Oh yeah because no one would ever want to attack this place." Wonwoo rolled his eyes, he really hated feeling like some sort of test subject being shouted instructions at and crammed into various uncomfortable situations.

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