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"After the train wreck that was yesterday you finally have the last one, with me." Seungcheol grinned too widely for Jeonghan's liking.

"Today is about what I do, my role as the leader and well okay I'll be honest I have nothing planned, all I do is do stupid shit with anyone who will bother and everyone else's days are so planned oh god you're going to think I'm-" Seungcheol was stopped by a finger on his lips, "Let's do some stupid shit then," Jeonghan smiled at how Seungcheol's lips relaxed into his finger but he quickly took it away when the older wanted to talk again.

"O-okay fine stupid shit uhhh freerunning! That's a thing I do sometimes and I've almost died a few times but we're still here so it's okay, come on!" Jeonghan laughed at how the older's mood had changed so quickly although jumping across buildings wasn't exactly the safest idea, he was sure Wonwoo would've completely dismissed it, something about Seungcheol drew him in though and so off they went to wherever Seungcheol was planning to take them.

"Seungcheol, what the fuck."

Jeonghan gazed upon a empty wreck surrounded by broken skyscrapers that left a small pocket in the centre. In said centre there wasn't much except bright graffiti saying various statements like 'Seungcheol's place, heck off' and 'I will get Woozi to cut you' all over their walls.

"What? I've got to mark my territory," The older said genuinely confused which Jeonghan found rather upsetting.

"It's just a big empty circle though," Jeonghan said, trying to find any sort of substance to the area he found himself in. Seungcheol was offended, dramatically taking his palm to his chest with his mouth agape, "Excuse you Healina boy this was my childhood."

Surveying the area once more Jeonghan began to notice in stacks of piled up debris there were actually things, children's things, no wait, a whole playground's worth of apparatus. Of course it was all rusted and broken but it was there and Jeonghan found himself smiling at the idea of a little Cheol enjoying the various things on offer.

"The place went to shit when I was a teenager, no one kept up fixing it and it became a hazard so I took it and it's mine." He looked slightly too proud of himself for acquiring the once children's park but Jeonghan knew better than to question it.

"So what are we actually doing here?"

Seungcheol didn't reply with words but with action, quickly running at Jeonghan with a smirk, causing the younger to flinch out the way quickly, allowing Seungcheol to jump to top of a pile of crates that were surprisingly high. "Freerunning." He said confidently, proceeding to pull the younger up.

He laid out where they were going to go and how they were going to get there which Jeonghan would've found comforting had it not been for the fact that their destination was vertical. Looking up he could see the towering apartment blocks and began to accept his fate, death.

"You're not going to die... I think, it's easy! Think of how much of an idiot I am and I'm still here," The comment made Jeonghan's lips twist into a smile as he took the hand of the older who helped him slowly scale the building.

"Why did I agree to this, I probably have ten cases of asbestos poisoning and I didn't even get to try half the things on Mingyu's list of amazing food he cooks I have to try before I die and that sounded really good-" Jeonghan was rambling until he found himself feeling a brick beneath his food that wasn't as secure as he had first thought which made him slip and begin to fall, he let out a mouse like squeak but was caught at the last second by Seungcheol.

"You're welcome." He said smugly while the younger tried to get his breath back, "Just focus on me okay? That shouldn't be too hard," He added a wink which made the younger roll his eyes as they continued climbing in and around the building to reach the top.

"Have I ever told you how unfit I am because- oh we're almost there," Jeonghan said as he could see light beginning to emerge in front of him for the first time, it was all blocked out by the overpowering skyscrapers before.

The light was yellow and hazy since they had left quite late in the day. "Sick, Master Cheol got the timing just right,"

"Please never refer to yourself as master ever again-" Jeonghan was cut off once again as he felt a tug on his hand where he was pulled up one last set of broken stairs to the roof.

The sun was setting perfectly on the edge of Odera, you could see the Ocean incapsulated within their boundaries and it was sparkling like waves of diamond.

"This is beautiful..." Jeonghan said, lost for words as Seungcheol guided his body down on the floor so they could sit and watch it like some makeshift picnic but without the food.

Seungcheol was very proud of his efforts, showing off his hobby whilst discovering another new side to the new male he found himself weirdly captivated by. He thought he had him pretty much worked out until he saw small diamond tears rolling down Jeonghan's cheeks.

"I wish Joshua was here to see this." He said in a perfectly clear voice that contrasted with his puffy face. Seungcheol thought it was best to just pull the younger towards him, taking him into a half hug with one arm on his far shoulder so he could still see the sun.

"If you don't mind me asking, who is Joshua?"

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