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"Welcome to your first day of 'finding where the fuck to put you': the Lee Jihoon experience," You can't sit around here forever so you're going to spend a day with all of us and see where you fit in. Jihoon smirked, crossing his arms.

"But it's 5pm," Jeonghan said, questioning the fact this 'day' certainly didn't contain much daylight. "Just get in the car,"

The two hopped into the same pickup truck Jeonghan had originally been brought to Odera in, it had been three weeks and it was time for him to start an actual life here in the kingdom.

"We're going to the recording studio," Jihoon said bluntly, putting his keys into the ignition, "The recording- what? I'm not musical at all,"

"We'll see about that," Jihoon concluded as he pushed in a CD and set off, this one was lighter than the works of 'woozi' he had heard in the past, more relaxed.

It was only Jihoon on the track so Jeonghan assumed it was just a demo, "It's called Falling for U, I'm not sure if the others will like it but I'm trying to change it up a bit," Jihoon said, noticing Jeonghan's interest.

As he listened to the song it reminded him of Seungkwan and Vernon back home, he expressed a sad smile. He wasn't close enough to any of the boys in Odera to tell them really anything yet, Seungcheol was definitely interested in following him around like a lost puppy and Mingyu was very kind to him all the time but there was still a clear disconnect.

"Do you not like it?" Jihoon frowned, noticing the small streak of sadness on the older's face, "No, just thinking of hom- Healina, just thinking of Healina,"

"Wah, you're not over it yet? Take your time man but I'm sure you didn't leave anything special back there, you're here for a reason."

"What I lost wasn't just a thing- you know what? Nevermind, let's just get to the studio, your song is nice,"

Jeonghan exited the car and laid his eyes upon a more modern looking building than the house, it was painted black with various spray painted artwork along the edges that was all very well done, "That's thanks to Mingyu and Cheol," Jihoon said smiling upon his studio.

The two walked into the building and it carried a very chill vibe, "I don't want to give all my money to those asshats so I spend it here," Jihoon commented as Jeonghan looked around the urban decor.

Jeonghan observed an acoustic guitar in the corner of the room and it reminded him of Joshua, gosh he hoped he was doing okay without him, better off even.

With a clap of his hands, Jeonghan was taken away from his thoughts by Jihoon, he pulled up a backing track and folded his arms, nodding towards the recording booth.

Jeonghan went to protest but he was interrupted, "Don't try and weasel out of this, I've got a very low supply of singers and a huge saturation of rappers so just try,"

With a sigh, Jeonghan entered the booth since in all honesty he was a little scared of Jihoon, his tone could sometimes be demeaning.

He placed some headphones on and listened to the track play in his head, the lyrics were already on a stand so once he was counted in he began to sing.

It surprised himself how much he enjoyed it, looking up he could see Jihoon smirking slightly as he typed quickly on his monitor, not looking towards the older.

Strangely it felt right for him to be singing this song, this was a big jump from the occasional karaoke he'd do with the people in Healina but Jihoon certainly knew how to get what he wanted.

He exited the booth and Jihoon finally looked up at him, he stood up and to Jeonghan's surprise pulled him into a hug, "This is rare, thank fuck I have a new sound to play with I've been so bored," Jihoon spoke into Jeonghan's chest, breaking their embrace and smiling at the audio file in front of him.

"Right! Back in you go, I'll want each part done over until I can get it the way we want it okay?"

"But, I thought you said it was good, we can finish up with this now?"

"Pfft? On your first take, nah come on,"

After three gruelling hours of recording lines from the same four minute song over and over it was finally over. The short burst of the praise was a distant memory over the constant blank stares and blunt "Again"s from Jihoon he was completely finished.

They got back in the truck in hope they could make it home for Mingyu's tteokbokki Jeonghan had heard so much about.

At the start of the day Jeonghan thought he'd find a place to spend most of his days but it soon became evident why none of the boys did this full time, maybe his day with Soonyoung, Junhui and Chan would give him a slightly less stressful time.

He was content with the day though, that tteokbokki could make up for everything.


I've published a new fic called 'Find me in the snow'

It's meanie so please check it out if you'd like

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