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"Sorry Chan if you heard anything... bad, welcome home." Wonwoo said awkwardly and quietly, "Seriously hyung I'm used to it, it makes it more weird when you acknowledge it." Chan chuckled.

The chuckling soon stopped however when he felt a large weight envelop him. He stumbled back, catching Wonwoo in his arms. Startled, he pulled his hyung up, holding his shoulders and scanning his face. Red hot tears were streaming down his face that Chan hadn't seen in years. "Channie, I-It's all wrong," He quivered, pulling the younger into a hug very suddenly.

Chan's face hardened as his mind raced with questions, "What did Mingyu do to you?" He asked cautiously. "No, I fucked up, really bad this time."

The younger's often childish nature had completely faded, as had Wonwoo's sternness. "Come on, we can talk about it in your room okay?" Chan said softly, putting an arm over the older and walking him in.

"I'm meant to be the one that looks after you," Wonwoo have a dry laugh as he let himself be placed down onto his bed, Chan pulling the covers over him as he sat down by his side.

He reached over and stroked his hair to calm him down, "What's wrong hyung?" He asked. "I'm so mean to everyone, especially Mingyu and now I told him I don't want to do anything with him anymore but I'm going to miss the dork so much but I can't tell him that. I'm always the one that has to keep us apart so it doesn't hurt as much but it's tearing me apart." Wonwoo said, trying desperately not to break down at his own words again.

Chan hated seeing Wonwoo so upset, out of everyone he thought they were the most like real family and it crushed him to see him so weak. "I just don't get why you're doing this, you're smart so I'm sure it's valid but is it really worth it if it's causing you this much pain?"

"He's perfect, that's why." Wonwoo admitted, "Fuck he's so nice, he cooks for everyone without ever complaining about it, he helps everyone no matter who it is or what they want, his smiles make even me want to melt and that means he has to go." He said the last part very quietly, "Everything good gets taken away from Odera and I don't mean to say Seungcheol and Jeonghan are bad or anything but they're far from perfect but Mingyu is, god help me the day you go, if you do, because then I'll have no one." Wonwoo rubbed his brow as he tried to speak calmly.

"Hyung you don't know he's going to leave and if he does why are you depriving yourself of the love you can share until then? You two are so frustrating sometimes because you can both see it but your barriers have been there for so long you've made them impossible to break." The youngest said, now realising Wonwoo really was an idiot.

"No, I need to actually get over him, start dating or something which sounds a little gross but it'll be fine." Chan just face palmed, "I'm going to give you some space, just think about this, okay?" Wonwoo nodded and retreated into his covers. He soon realised it was a bad idea, everything in there was Mingyu. His whole room smelt of him, even his most basic furniture reminded Wonwoo of him, he was intoxicated, saturated, poisoned by Mingyu.

Jeonghan had been dragged to a motor cross show by Seungcheol which he was sure violated countless safety regulations and so he was glad to make it out alive, what he wasn't expecting was to be almost killed by a falling chair as he went to enter the apartment block. A loud smash came from right beside him and he covered his face as small wood chips broke off the decimated chair. He looked up to see Wonwoo blankly about to chuck something else out the window.  

He looked to his side to see Seungcheol just shrug like it was normal as they went inside. "Jeon Wonwoo what the fuck is going on?" Jeonghan said as various crashes continued to be heard throughout the apartment, with a blank face he replied, "Spring cleaning." And went back to what he was doing.

"Mingyu did you have to fuck him so hard he lost his mind?" Jeonghan then said, confronting the younger in the lounge, "He almost killed me with a chair!"

Mingyu was in a bit of a daze, since their small fight he had just been sort of drifting around like a shell so also replied blankly, "I don't know what's going on, he told me we should cut off what we have and now he's throwing furniture out the window, just Wonwoo things really."

Looking for answers he then went to Chan's room where the youngest was dancing to very loud music, muting the crashes outside. "Why has Wonwoo lost his mind?" He implored, switching off the music and earning a groan. "He said he wanted to move on from Mingyu but really I don't think it's going to happen so he's just sorting out his emotions and-" He was cut off by another crash. "Okay what was that?"

"He's throwing out everything in his room seemingly, he's completely lost it which is confusing because since I've been here I don't think I've seen him display any emotion past mildly irritated." He said and Chan face palmed once again.

Jeonghan, now accompanied by Chan, reentered Wonwoo's room where the crashes had now stopped, the two gazed upon what was left; there was hardly anything in there. A pile of books with a cat lamp placed on them were on the floor next to his laptop the only other thing was his bed frame which stood bare in the centre of the room.

"Spring cleaning." He stated simply and to be fair it was early April.

Chan shook his head in disbelief as Jun peeped through the door to find out what was going on. He simply smirked at the room, finding it quite funny, "Baby seems tense, want me to help you out with that?" He winked, never knowing when to stop. "Jun seriously-" Jeonghan began but was cut off by a blunt "Okay." From Wonwoo.

"Okay what the FUCK is going on." Said Chan and all the readers simultaneously as Wonwoo officially lost his mind.

"Language." Wonwoo replied swiftly, taking the hand of a very shocked Jun who didn't know quite what to do.

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