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As Seungcheol and Jeonghan approached their apartment block they saw something.


"Oh shit, if those fuckers die I'll blame myself, what the fuck? Why is there fire? If this is one of Jun's schemes again I swear I will rip his face off," Seungcheol was rambling, speeding up the bike as Jeonghan just looked upon the building in fear, he did not want to witness the death of five boys on day two of being in Odera. It was hard to see since the area was fairly built up but the smoke was clearly rising from the roof of their building.

It was odd however, when they realised smoke was only rising from the roof of their building, the several floors didn't seem to be affected at all. Seungcheol went from scared to angry rather quickly, "Those fucking fuck faces and their fucking schemes what the fuck I was so fucking worried," It was apparent the boy had some issues with his language when in stressful situations. "O-okay well tone it down a little yeah? They're fine, didn't Jihoon say something about Jun trying to blow up a microwave the other day? I'm sure it's fine." In truth Seungcheol really cared about his ragtag family they just had a tendency to drive him a little crazy some, or more accurately most, of the time.

They reached the building and ran up the several flights of stairs until they reached the top. What greeted them was five of the six other boys and they were perfectly fine. A rather out of breath Seungcheol spoke up first, "Oh cool are we burning all of Jeonghan's Healina clothing? Nice." He smiled but this soon faded when he saw everyone was looking in his direction with wide eyes, the previously talkative boys were just staring dead like deer in headlights.

"What?" That's when Seungcheol turned around and-


"Which one of you fucking did this?" Jeonghan was livid, looking down at the fire. He quickly ran up to it mumbling a string of various curses under his breath, he began to rummage around the embers desperately.

"Are you fucking crazy, what are you doing, your hands!" Jihoon shouted, everything was happening very quickly. "Where the FUCK are they?" Jeonghan screamed in reply but that's when he found them.

The cuff-links.

He had tried his best not to think about Joshua, his family and the others but seeing that gift discarded like a piece of trash brought it to the forefront. His hands shaking and blistered he brought them up to his eyes, one a bright pure white still, unharmed by the harsh fires and the other tainted, a large crack and a harsh black consuming half of it. He began to chuckle bitterly at the pure irony of it all.

"Fuck you guys seriously." He spat, "Why would you think this was acceptable, this is ALL I HAVE LEFT OF HIM," Then he broke down. The fallen angel was falling hard and for the first time ever let all his emotions show to this group of practical strangers.

Everyone was sat around in shock, the boy was broken and they hadn't even realised. How stupid of them to think that he would instantly be fine, healing was unnecessary and he'd instantly fit in. The truth was he didn't fit in.

Not yet.

"Hyung I'm-" Mingyu was the first to speak up, "I'm not your fucking hyung you don't even know me, please just leave me alone." Jeonghan snapped unintentionally, he really was an awful person and he really did deserve to be here in his mind at least.

A sharp hiss was heard as Wonwoo poured some water over what was left of the fire, he took Mingyu's forearm and lead him away from the roof without a word, he knew how sensitive Mingyu could get and he didn't want it to get to him too badly.

One by one the boys got up and left, respecting Jeonghan's wishes to be alone as he just bawled and cried out into the now rising moonlight. Even Seungcheol.

It was pretty cold up there on the roof, Jeonghan felt awful, how could he be so selfish to cover up his lies and lead his best friend to suffer like that? Part of him thought Joshua wouldn't care but he knew that was just him being silly, they were attached at the hip for virtually their whole lives and to have that ripped away was cutting.

His poor mother, brother and other relatives, what would they think of him? Sanha looked up to him so much and he'd hate to have him find out about his recent past. The underground club, he now curses the day he first went.

"Myungjun hyung I don't know,"

"Come on, just once, pretty please," The older gave him large puppy eyes begging him to go.

"Fine but it's just because you offered Sanha a job, he doesn't find out about the club okay, just pastries or your dead."

"Score! See you there Hannie, customers will be through the roof if they see Healina's angel at our little bar,"


"Just once," He mumbled under his breath, wiping away his tears when a warmth suddenly surrounded him.

"It gets quite cold up here you know?"


Jeonghan only gave a weak nod in response, "D-do you want to talk about it at all?"

"Maybe one day, I'm hungry, Mingyu better have made me that pasta," And like that Jeonghan was shut off again, reigning in his feelings he stood up and adjusted the blanket on his shoulders, still clutching his precious cuff-links.

"He has, you hurt his feelings a little you know?"

"Yeah I'm a bit of an ass, I'll apologise,"

"Good, that's good,"

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