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Pledis Central

"Well that was fucking anticlimactic." Jihoon said as Soonyoung started to boo mockingly as they gazed upon Seungcheol's now rose quartz eyes. "Guess he's not a pussy boy after all." Soonyoung commented, "Still debatable." Was the response he was met with to which he agreed.

Seungcheol approached the two in their seats with a grin. "Who wants to go laugh at the terrified newbies? I kind of want one, it's about time you guys got a mother." The younger two rolled their eyes, "Do not kidnap some Healina reject and make them develop Stockholm syndrome so someone will finally like you, Seungcheol." Jihoon stated bluntly.

Seungcheol pouted but dragged both boys to the area where they basically auction the Healina born. Like most Oderian made systems, the one for housing newbies was quite primitive. Each person was given a number and you simply request the number you want, if they accept then you're free to go. People left at the end of the day would be grouped in a building with a budget and basically told "Good Luck."

It had only been 15 minutes since the ceremony and Jeonghan was being lined up and labelled. He attempted to wipe away his tears and push his emotions to the back of his mind. He got the number 1004, what a joke he thought as he laughed dryly.

Jeonghan stepped out onto yet another stage, this time a much smaller one with only 22 people on it. Strange, Jeonghan thought, it was the statistic probability 20% of people would change per kingdom and that was exactly the case.

A huddle of people were slightly lower, observing the group of new young adults. A particularly rough looking old man caught Jeonghan's eye and he shivered at the thought of that one picking him but then he felt like he was being watched. Three boys with raven black hair, one with rose quartz eyes and two with deep brown eyes were looking at him. The boy with rose quartz eyes appeared to be tugging on the shoulder of the shortest one who was flailing his arms around seemingly in protest. Surprisingly Jeonghan let himself chuckle at the trio.

"Choi Seungcheol don't you fucking dare." Jihoon warned. "But hoons," Seungcheol said much like a toddler, "I really really want him, look at his cute fuckin face, it's all red and puffy but that bitch is the definition of ethereal and I want him." The oldest continued, tugging on Jihoon's arm and jutting out his lip in an attempt to look cute. Soonyoung just shook his head, amused by the whole situation.



"You can keep it."

"Yay, yay, yay, thank you so much hoonie, I could kiss you right now but that's Soonyoung's job ha ha what I mean yay let's go grab him right now." Jihoon shook his head and brushed off the comment about his best friend, instantly regretting agreeing to this. Soonyoung resorted to pulling up the scarf he was wearing slightly higher to hide the blush forming on his cheeks, pathetic.

"1004 Please." Jeonghan heard, it was the trio, they had come up to the administrator. "Reason for taking in? All invalid reasons will be discarded and he will remain up for grabs."
"He's the hottest one." Seungcheol replied instantly, shooting a wink towards the now quite horrified Jeonghan.

After a quick nod and a few scrawls on some paper the administrator spoke once again, "1004 do you consent to being taken in by..." He stopped and nodded towards Seungcheol. "Seungcheol, Choi Seungcheol." The oldest replied, sticking his hand out with a slight smirk.

"I-I guess?"

Seungcheol grinned and grabbed Jeonghan's writs. Jeonghan smiled weakly with too many emotions pooling in his head.

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