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"Look, do we have to do this now? I'm really sorry and I don't know what came over me, I just need time," Soonyoung said shamefully.

"You need time? I need answers about why you fucking kissed me out of no where!" Jihoon said quite angrily, the sober version of him probably wouldn't want this but the copious amounts of whiskey he was drinking prior to their meal had begun to take hold.

Everyone in the house knew Jihoon had two attitudes when he was drunk, sleepy Jihoon or angry Jihoon. Unfortunately for Soonyoung, that night he received the latter.

"Why would you do that Soonyoung? I'm so fucking confused now and I've been so busy with producing and you think it's acceptable to add this to the mix after all I do for you?" He scoffed, "You're still a child."

Soonyoung was hurt by a number of things in the comment, he knew he was in trouble when he was referred to by his actual name since it was always 'Soons' or 'Soonie' any other time, he felt guilty for pressuring him even more than usual and the venomous bite of being called childish when he strived to escape that was crushing.

"I can't reverse what I've done and I really like you, you know? It's like-"

He was cut off by a loud groan from the shorter, "I don't want to fucking hear it, I I I, me me me, it's always about you and then me having to deal with your shit and it's been too long." Jihoon spat back.

Soonyoung wasn't mad, upset? Yes, ashamed? Very but he couldn't get angry when he caused this.

"You clearly need some time." He said cautiously, going to reach for the door handle.

He was interrupted by a loud "No!" as Jihoon reached out towards him, leaving Soonyoung very confused as he watched the younger's emotions change instantly.

"Y-you can't leave," The younger said in a mouse like tone after a long bout of silence, "Why not?" Soonyoung enquired, noticing a faint glint of a tear in the dull light of the bedroom. "B-because if you leave then... I might, I might not ever see you again." Jihoon regressed back on to the bed and hugged his knees to his chest.

"What? Hoonie no, it's okay I won't leave if you don't want me to," He dropped his voice to a nurturing tone as he approached Jihoon and wrapped an arm around him, "Why wouldn't I come back?"

"Because you'd g-go out like you always do and this time I'm not sure I'd be able to b-bring myself to look after you." It was true, Soonyoung was heavily contemplating drowning out his anxieties with his familiar pastime but after this development he definitely had to stay.

"I-I don't want to hear about it anymore, can you just do one thing for me?"

Soonyoung quickly nodded, looking into the glazed eyes that stared back at him, "D-do what I do with you at times like this and just look after me until the morning." Soonyoung wasn't sure how much sober Jihoon would appreciate it but he couldn't say no to those sad puppy eyes, agreeing with another nod as he lay the younger down and tucked him in carefully.

Soonyoung made sure to take off both of their jackets and shoes and place them neatly on a dresser, they were still in their clothes for the day but it was hardly their main concern.

Lifting up the sheets he climbed in as well and pulled the younger to his chest who responded with a short hum of satisfaction, leaving Soonyoung to contemplate just how varied Jihoon's character could be.

Finally content and trying to push any worries that were to come away, Soonyoung let out a long sigh, "Goodnight Hoonie,"

"Night, Soonie."

From outside their doorway soft retreating could be heard but they both remained unaware as their two oldest hyungs tiptoed away with giddy expressions.

"I thought we were losing them for a second there but holy FUCK why are they so dramatic and yet so cute ugh." Seungcheol rambled rather loudly.

"They'll work it all out soon enough, I can't wait for them to get together but then who will we spy on?" Jeonghan displayed a sarcastic pout but Seungcheol still replied, "I mean... there's always Mingyu and Wonwoo?"

The younger let out an amused 'pfft', "Sorry Captain Cheol but your ship seems to have sunk, they're a lost caused and I'd climb up that building a million times before those two sorted out their issues."

"Oh my god it was one building and it was a whole month ago, get over it already."

"No, fuck you."

"You wish." He winked.

"You're insufferable." Tutted Jeonghan as they left to their respective bedrooms.

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