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Vernon was surprised to hear from Minghao, he was actually planning to track down the younger at the bakery at the end of the week but clearly he'd beaten him to it.

"Boo, we need to go see Minghao today, I don't think he's doing well," Vernon began, sipping on his classic banana milk he'd always buy for him and his boyfriend (of course Seungkwan always got strawberry).

The older looked up from his own drink with a wary look, "Are you sure, he text us saying he never wanted to see us again..." Seungkwan trailed off, not ever wanting to be rude but his apprehension he didn't believe could ever fully vanish around Minghao was ever present. He was met with sorry eyes, Vernon's lips forming into a pout as he placed his hand his boyfriends head, pulling him down to his shoulder softly and stroking his hair. "It'll be okay bub, he just needs help and we should be there for him too, you know what he's been through," Vernon said calmly, cooing at Seungkwan's doe eyes that looked back up at him, "Bub is one I haven't heard in a while," He smiled, stealing a soft kiss from Vernon's cheek.

With a slight blush that would never truly fade when he was around the other, Vernon breathed out slowly, "So you're okay with it?" The small nod into his chest gave him his answer as their little moment was ruined by a loud bell signalling their final lesson. Vernon whined, "I can't be bothered to go to botany, why did I even take it," Seungkwan just shook his head, "Okay but why did you take biology?"

"Idk man, fern rhymes with Vern."

"You've made that joke twice now and I hate you for it." Seungkwan deadpanned, sticking out his tongue as Vernon faked offence and he strolled off to his last lesson.

Approaching the bakery again felt weird, it had been a few months since either had seen Minghao. As they entered it was getting a bit late, the workers were already packing up the bakery and subtly preparing for the night ahead, Seungkwan in particular noting the obvious crate of vodka bottles marked 'liquid bread' in what he assumed was an attempt at the worst coverup for Sanha ever. He soon had to brush it off however when they saw thin legs emerge from the upper stairwell and then a puffy face meet their eyes, the pair then had their wrists practically dragged up the stairs and into Minghao's room.

If Minghao didn't look so distraught Vernon would've commented on how much he admired the room that looked even more spectacular than his old one with all the abstract paintings lined up along one wall. After locking the door, Minghao went back to the position on his bed he had stayed since his mother left four hours ago, curled up and silent.

"Hao what happened to you? Are you struggling with your job or something, please don't tell me anything happened to you, if anyone laid a finger on you I swear to god I'd-" Seungkwan began, instantly leaping into defensive mum mode as soon as he saw how rough the ironically older looked; his trepidation became nonexistent as soon as he saw how fragile Minghao appeared.

"N-No, fuck I sound like a pussy uh, my mum came and I saw her for the first time in ages? Now I've just been spiralling for hours because it brought back a lot of memories then I heard my excuse for a father downstairs and I can still h-hear his voice I'm just- I thought I needed to be with people and I know I'm such an asshole and you want nothing to do with me but I just need company even if you don't care so please just pretend a little longer," Minghao looked with begging eyes while Vernon and Seungkwan exchanged a confused glance.

"Hao we do actually care about you, I don't know where that came from but we'll stay in this small room for a year if you need it - it must've been so tough seeing her and hearing him again and even if we don't know it all we'll try to understand, okay?" Vernon said with his ever passive tone that pulled a wash of reassurance over Minghao. "Thanks you two, I'm sorry I-" He felt a finger on his lips, "Stop apologising, we're here for you." Vernon smiled as Minghao hated how his cheeks still felt a little bit hot at his touch.

Shaking his head, he wiped his eyes. "Okay, sorry I mean-" He began just giving up with a sigh, "I don't want to work tonight, I assume Jinjin knows that but the floor might be a little empty," An inappropriate smile grew on Vernon's face, "Kwannie has the ass for it." Which he received a slap and a very strict telling off for how it 'wasn't the Healina way' or whatever traditionalism garbage Seungkwan was spewing in a flustered rant.

Minghao managed to break into a chuckle, all their spirits lifted after that. Minghao introduced them to some of his paintings, explaining them in great detail and breaking out a game of scrabble. "Intense one person scrabble is my forté," Minghao proclaimed as they began, of course it was much easier for him when he argued words like 'Vsauce' were perfectly acceptable, the other two too lazy to dispute it.

The pair actually ended up staying over, sleeping on some spare blankets on the floor but in their time of comfort Seungkwan made a fatal error.

It was very late, about 2am, when he began poking his boyfriend's cheek who he awoke quite quickly, "Vernon," He whispered quietly and apprehensively, "Do you think maybe this was a setup? You saw the way he looks at you, I'm worried he might be lying about it to try and cast you away,"

His tone was shameful but it was real concern, he couldn't help the jealousy bubbling when Minghao would smile a little brighter at Vernon's words, he didn't know he was the jealous type but it unnerved him. Even in the pitch black, Seungkwan could feel Vernon's pout, "Shhh, I'd never leave you for him, go to sleep boo," He mumbled in a sleepy daze, pulling Seungkwan into his chest like a teddy bear and instantly shutting off the idea.

What they didn't know was Minghao heard it as well, he had always been awoken from the slightest twitch, clearly they weren't good enough friends to notice and clearly they wanted him gone. A stray tear fell down his cheek, he hated that his stupid brain couldn't accept he was destined to be an outcast, he had no place to poison anyone's heart.

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