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"So Hao, what do you think you can do for me at the bar?" Jinjin said holding a clipboard and tapping a pen on his lip. "Eunwoo does the photography, I'm the manager, Rocky is our bar tender and Moonbin... I guess you could do what he does?" Jinjin offered, knowing Minghao knew his role.

"Fuck no, really? I mean I'm greatful you're giving me a place here but that? Moonbin is so, well, Moonbin I don't think I could..." The younger trailed off.

"Moonbin is richer than me, you'd make bank my man and look at your twink ass you'd be amazing!" Jinjin continued to persuade, tapping him on the shoulder in attempt to get him to smile.

"I guess I could try..." Minghao blushed slightly at the thought but flinched at Jinjin's sudden change in tone as he agreed, "Great! You can turn down anything you don't want, set your own prices but Moonbin's are 50 for talking and 80 for a lap dance, anything further and I might have to attack you, you look pretty nimble so you'll get used to the pole quickly! Have fun you cute little stripper you!" Jinjin pinched his cheek and ran off out of his room.

'What the fuck did I just agree to?'

"So... how has the first half of your new courses gone?" Seokmin eagerly asked the three boys sitting at the same table they did last year for lunch. "Ah it's so cool, I was being introduced to having to write about how we see the stars and studying the ways in which humans assign the meanings and feelings behind each planet, each constellation it's just... wow," Joshua's eyes always sparkled when talking about the stars, Seokmin found it so endearing when he talked about the things he loved.

"Mine was awesome, we all had to introduce ourselves as random animals and it was so cool! Before in drama lessons everyone would just be awkward and laugh at anyone who took things seriously but to have everyone actually care and be able to bounce off each other in performance is already so fun," Seungkwan smiled, animatedly waving one hand while using the other to feed Vernon strawberries out his lunch.

Vernon swallowed said strawberries and began, "I mean... woo plants? We learnt about different types of trees and everyone was really good at identifying them but I literally tried to say a conifer was a palm tree so it could be going better." He let out a soft sigh and returned to stealing strawberries.

"Awe don't worry Vern, I'm sure you'll be great with time!" Seokmin said, trying to cheer the younger up. "Can you believe at 19 they're going to make me look after one of those creepy baby robots? I don't even want to go into childcare and it's the first day but we're getting them tomorrow."

Joshua laughed at Seokmin's look of defeat before the task had even begun, "I don't know what you're laughing at, you're going to have to help me look after the thing."

"I'm sorry what?" Joshua had to stop laughing, if this was pointless for Seokmin this was definitely pointless for him.

"You're around my house 24/7 therefore I declare you the co-parent of Lee-Hong Sunhwa."

"I love that our parents are giving us a new sibling," Seungkwan winked jokingly. "Ew no that would make us siblings," Vernon said, "Don't make it weird Vernon."

"This whole conversation is weird."

The table erupted into laughter at the chaos that was ensuing, "Do I seriously have to help you with that baby thing though?" Joshua said and Seokmin replied with an assertive nod that left the older to just shake his head. The bell rang and they headed back to their classes.

Seungkwan and Seokmin had to go the same way and so walked together, "Someone is feeling bold today, you've never even kissed now you have to raise a kid together, how cliché," Seungkwan teased, clasping his hands together and fluttering his eyelashes, "Kwan no, shut up we don't even like each other like that."


"Boo Seungkwan you did not just 'K' me, get to class, idiot."

"Ooh I'm shaking in my boots." Seungkwan stuck out his tongue and skipped over to his lesson.

"Minghao honey I heard you're joining me!" Moonbin said as he swept the younger off his feet quite literally, pulling him into a tight hug. "I have a few things for you since stripper clothing isn't exactly that easy to come by in Healina, they're all your size I'm pretty sure." Minghao was hesitant but when Moonbin lay out the things he had from a large bag he was surprised to find himself kind of into it. There was a plethora of thick chokers and cute skirts, mesh shirts and belts etcetera.  

Moonbin let out a strange squeal when Minghao tried on some of the things, Minghao wasn't expecting to feel so empowered by such garments but he was weirdly loving it. This Minghao that could rock a combat boot wasn't a weird socially awkward teen with a crushing backstory of pain; he was a sassy bitch that wouldn't hesitate to cut you and he fucking loved it.

"I know a lot of people know you but are you thinking of getting a fancy name? I so regret sticking to Moonbin, I would've gone with 'Tiddy King'." He looked proud of the rather childish name.

Minghao sighed at his antics but he noticed a silver detailing of a small infinity symbol on his black combat boot, "I'm going to go with The8."

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