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"Morning baby~" Jeonghan woke up to a face directly next to his, he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but it didn't take too long to realise it was none other than Wen Junhui. The boy in question rolled over and giggled at his own antics, kicking his legs up and down like a child.

"What do you want Jun?" Jeonghan asked with a rough morning voice.

"It's your day with me! Well us, Soonyoung and Chan will be there too but-" He was cut off as Chan entered the room and pulled him up from the floor; ignoring Junhui's protests he looked at Jeonghan, "Sorry, we made the mistake of asking him to tell you breakfast is ready, be down in a bit," The youngest smiled, dragging Junhui across the floor and closing the door behind him.

Jeonghan smiled, shaking his head and getting ready for the day. He pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and a branded shirt then went down for breakfast hurriedly.

The smell of pancakes filled the air, upon looking at the kitchen he saw Chan was now flipping pancakes with a huge grin on his face, Mingyu was stressing over immaculate plating which seemed meaningless considering how ready the other five sat around on the mismatched couches looked to demolish said pancakes.

"Jeonghan!" He heard, turning his head to a smiley Seungcheol, everyone seemed to be really joyful this morning and it was definitely because of the anticipation of the sweet breakfast Mingyu was so close to finishing.

Seungcheol patted the couch next to him and began telling the younger about his day animatedly until the pancakes were finally served.

"Mingyu I fucking love you," Soonyoung said with a final mouthful of pancake, grabbing a bag from his chair and pulling Junhui, fork still in hand, up and out the door. A strict, "Chan, Jeonghan you too," Followed which commenced the start of 'Hoshi's Intensive Training', HIT for short.

Upon arriving at the dance studio the three boys ran in excitedly, the place was really just a big empty hall with speakers, fans and a sign that said 'HIT' with a tiger logo which Soonyoung enjoyed pointing out animatedly even if it wasn't the sort of thing that was easy to miss.

"Jeonghan just watch us for a while yeah? We'll do one of the dances to Jihoon's song, it's missing something and you might be it," The younger winked and the three got into position whilst Jeonghan found himself a place on a bench.

The music played and it was yet another new song he hadn't heard before, looking at the display on the record player he could see it was called 'lilili yabbay'. Their dancing was impressive, each one slightly different. Junhui's dancing flowed easily and was graceful, a total contrast to his chaotic energy in the house. Chan had gone from playful to powerful, he looked so happy to be dancing with a killer smirk plastered on his lips constantly. Soonyoung held a great aura of leadership, he was exuberant yet controlled.

Jeonghan instantly knew he was fucked if they expected him to join.

With the one routine the boys didn't even break a sweat, as the song came to it's end they instantly fell back into their natural states, "How was it?" Chan asked expectantly to which Jeonghan replied with nothing but praise and amazement. "It did feel like it missed something though, I'm not sure what it was I mean don't get me wrong it was amazing but,"

"Yeah, we feel it too..." Soonyoung trailed off, "Oh well!" He clapped his hands together back to being energetic as ever, he pulled Jeonghan off the bench and tried to teach him some choreography while Jun and Chan worked on solo stuff.

For his first go properly dancing Jeonghan wasn't that bad. Okay, he was a bit bad. Okay, maybe Soonyoung was now screaming at the top of his lungs trying to get the older to focus. It was hard keeping up with the strict regime and the other three had danced for years.

He would be happy to try practice small parts or help out but he simply couldn't keep up, limbs fumbling constantly.

"Let's just go buy some juice,"

A very sweaty Jeonghan could only nod hurriedly in response.

Sitting on the pavement were the four boys, Chan had a small apple juice, Jun orange, Jeonghan grape and Soonyoung, well Soonyoung had a bottle of cheap whiskey.

"You did well," Chan said reassuringly rubbing Jeonghan's shoulder and looking him in the eyes. It was nice, his respect for Chan had definitely gone up in the past few hours; Chan was four years younger and yet seemed so calm and confident.

Soonyoung also spoke up, "You've had a good affect on Cheol, I want you to know that. He's been doing a lot better with you around." He smiled but Jun decided to ruin it slightly by adding a, "Yeah you're like our mum now."

Which, although Jeonghan cared for the boys, still took him aback a bit. He'd gone from an environment where he was the daring trouble maker to one where he's being called a mother of a boys only a few years younger than him.

"Right, we need to get going. Good luck with Mingyu and Wonwoo tomorrow,"

As they left for the house it left Jeonghan thinking, why would he need good luck?

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