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"Do we really have to play truth or dare after that, we go from a fucking suicide to a kids game," Jun said, slightly drunk and rambling, luckily no one was listening.

"This is of upmost importance hyungs, so Hannie I must ask the question truth or dare!" Chan said, pointing directly at Jeonghan who was a bit caught off guard, busy zoning out as he conjured up ways to make this lean in his favour, "I- uh... truth I guess?"

"What's your favourite thing about Cheol?" Chan said with a smile, resting his chin on his knuckles. "That's an awful question what-" Soonyoung began to pipe up before being hit in the chest by Jihoon. "Ew, why would you ask that Channie? I don't know... fuck that's impossible..." Seungcheol's wide grin turned to a pout. "Yah! I'm the one that invited you here have some respect."

"Ugh fine, he has the prettiest fucking eyelashes," A few nods of approval and a selection of 'Oohhh's reverberated around the circle, "All this time with me and you compliment my eyelashes? I hate being objectified in our modern society," Seungcheol faked upset with a grin and a roll of his eyes.

"Right that was gross, get ready bitches because it's my turn," Jeonghan grinned and scanned his eyes across the circle that landed on Mingyu. "Truth or dare, Gyu?" Jeonghan said in a sly tone, Mingyu contemplated it for a bit but after Wonwoo repeatedly mumbled 'pick truth' he went with dare.

"I dare you to kiss... Jihoon," He smiled devilishly which triggered Soonyoung and Wonwoo to instantly protest while Jihoon and Mingyu just sat there questioning why the fuck he'd say that. "Kim Mingyu if you touch my boyfriend I swear-"

"No, Kwon Soonyoung if you threaten my boyfriend I will rip you in half,"

"Wonu that's the sweetest thing you've said since we've been together," Mingyu cooed, hugging the older softly.

"That's not even nice, are you okay?" Jun piped up, Jeonghan enjoying the chaos until Soonyoung noticed Jihoon closing up in his seat, "I-I'm really not comfortable with that Han, Soonie is the only person I've ever kissed and I think I'd like to keep it that way," He said shyly, leaving even Soonyoung shocked, "Wait really?" He asked, receiving a small nod.

"That's so sweet what the fuck,"

"Imagine only ever getting fucked by Soonyoung," Jun shivered, receiving a wack from Jeonghan. "What? Actually we haven't done anything like that, we're not them," Soonyoung said, pointing at Mingyu and Wonwoo.

"Neither have we since we got together," Wonwoo replied uncharacteristically shyly. "Wait what, is that even possible for you whores?" Jun said, shocked at both couples.

"Can we not, this has gotten incredibly off topic, think about poor Chan!" Jeonghan said, trying to mediate the chaos, "I won't make you do it anymore, that was entertaining enough and now I have tea on you bitches so it was successful, Mingyu your turn."

"Thank god, okay um Jun since you've decided to be an asshat all day, truth or dare?" Mingyu asked, already lining up the perfect idea, "Uh, dare I guess?" He replied.

"Tomorrow morning you have to join Soonyoung on his jog, all around the forest to the Pledis train tracks and back." Mingyu grinned, satisfied with the instant look of defeat as the others laughed at the clever payback, "I literally never move, that's going to be impossible!"

"Jun you're a dancer."

"THAT'S DIFFERENT, OKAY? I'M IN A CRISIS HERE," He shouted, an hour long jog was basically a death sentence for Jun and he never understood how Soonyoung stayed so active, other members of the household often opting to join in was a complete enigma to him.

The night continued on in the same manor, Jun forcing Seungcheol to drink copious amounts of alcohol, Seungcheol getting Chan to share his biggest secret which turned out to be 'Aki is my best friend!' which wasn't exactly a secret to anyone with the exception of a mildly upset Wonwoo. Chan attempted to get Aki to join in but she wasn't having it, contentedly purring on Jun's lap.

The night was warm and full of love, how were they to know about the oncoming storm that would change everything...

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