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"Vernon what the fuck was that?" Joshua screamed while Seokmin rushed to the aid of a fainted Seungkwan. Minghao was also on the ground shaking, eyes fixed to a red rug on the floor.

"I didn't- he- what?" Vernon's eyes widened as Joshua approached him with balled fists, and grabbing him by the collar, he was beyond mad.

He pulled him up with a surprisingly strong grip, "Look at your boyfriend right now, he's fucking passed out on the floor because of your dumb ass and you can't even form a sentence, huh?" Nothing could describe the anger seething from Joshua, his stress since the beginning of the year didn't need this added crisis and he was too protective of Seungkwan to let this go.

Vernon could only shake as his eyes became glassy, he went to open his mouth but a small, wobbly voice beat him to it, "I-I'm so sorry."


He was rocking back and forth, trying desperately not to look at the scene in front of him as Seokmin was running around fetching things for Seungkwan in hope he'd come around and Vernon was being almost killed on the spot. "I wasn't thinking and I'm so lonely, he's the first one that's c-cared for me in years and of course I have to fuck up again and fall for him, I shouldn't have done that,"

"That's right, you shouldn't have done that you freak, what were you thinking? You knew Vernon and Seungkwan were together and you did it anyway, are you that selfish?" This caused Minghao to just cry out louder and shake more violently.

"Josh..." Seokmin gave out a warning tone, Minghao had been through a lot and he was being too harsh on him.

Joshua sighed and let go of Vernon, deciding to fall back on the couch and rub his temple. Vernon instantly ran to Seungkwan's side, neglecting a sobbing Minghao.

He picked up his unconscious boyfriend's hand and encapsulated it with his own, whispering countless "I love you"s  over and over again.

Seokmin got up and made his way over to Minghao, attempting to place a hand on his shoulder but quickly being hit away. "D-don't touch me, please," Instead of retaliating, Seokmin replied with a soft nod of understanding, "I'm sorry, you knew this wouldn't work already huh? You'll find someone okay, I think you're just vulnerable right now, I'm so sorry you haven't been able to experience much basic human decency in your life but Vernon's care for you isn't love, your feelings are valid but I don't think this is your time, you'll find someone soon enough." He tried once again to touch Minghao and this time he allowed the hand to rub his back slowly.

"I'm such an idiot," He breathes out as quiet as a mouse, "Yeah, you are a bit huh?" Seokmin said casually, trying to smile to diffuse all the negative energy. He earned a broken chuckle which was good enough for him.

The room was quiet for only a few seconds before a harsh slap reverberated around the area. "I-I knew deep down you were bored of me but I didn't want to admit it to myself but that's not okay, you could've at least-" Seungkwan was cut off by a pair of lips on his, they were forceful and so full of emotion that he was overwhelmed and kissed back, thinking this was a goodbye kiss. He thought he may as well enjoy it one last time although this one felt different, so thick with meaning.

"Nonsense, I only have eyes for you, Boo Seungkwan," Vernon said as he pulled away, keeping his palms resting on his boyfriend's neck. "B-but then why would you-"

"He came onto me so suddenly at the exact moment you walked in, please don't blame him though, we'll sort it out okay?"

Seungkwan nodded against Vernon's forehead with a relieved smile that brushed once again against Vernon's lips and soon connected again.

"I want to do this more often," Seungkwan said with doe eyes as he looked into Vernon's, so much had happened and yet the room was drowned out by him completely, "I'd like that," Vernon said with a goofy grin.

Seokmin faked a noise of being sick where as Joshua had buried his face under a throw pillow ages ago, lying like a plank across the couch and trying to calm down. Even Minghao smiled at Seokmin's behaviour even if the scene made another heartstring break in his chest.

Always left behind.

"Kwannie please rest, you just fainted and emotions are running high so please."

"Only if it gets to be in your arms,"

Vernon chuckled at how cheesy he sounded, "We'll be going upstairs then, Minghao please just take the time you need so we can work this out later and Seokmin please stop Joshua from suffocating himself with a pillow and take him home please."

"Will do, Minghao do you need anything?"

"A one way ticket out of here and a less shitty personality?"

Seokmin shook his head as he dragged Joshua up from the couch, "Stay safe Minghao, have a goodnight."


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