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Minghao sighed as he launched himself onto his bed, throwing his phone dejectedly. He was happier now, exerted far more confidence but the momentary high before realising this was his life now was fading. He missed the friends he'd made but he also craved to be in Odera.

There was no way he could get there now, his plan would have to wait until December and even then he had a high risk of execution but at this point, was that so bad?

He'd lost his family, distanced himself from his first real friends, almost ruined said friend's relationship in just over a month and now he's working as a stripper because Jinjin feels sorry for him? It was pathetic.

A knock at the door pulled him out of his thoughts, he made a short noise for them to enter and in the doorway stood Sanha. "I'm not really meant to do this but I saw you really liked my drink so I made you one!" The younger exclaimed, proudly placing it on a nightstand.

Minghao's smile was almost bitter as he shook his head asking, "How are you so nice to everyone all the time, I don't get it?"

Sanha blushed at the question, staring down at his feet, "Well, it's simple isn't it? You do nice things for other nice people!" He smiled, nodding his head in agreement with himself.

"But... I'm not that nice." Minghao said, unsatisfied with the answer. To this, Sanha scrunched his eyebrows together, sitting next to him on his bed, "What do you mean? You're so cool! You wear whatever you want which is super inspiring, the hyungs are really happy since you got here, I heard them saying you're 'doing a lot for business' which was a bit confusing since you don't actually work here but it's great! You're great!"

Minghao hated how much he wanted to tear up over Sanha's words, unfortunately it wasn't because he realised how brilliant he was. All he heard were lies and fear set in as he realised he didn't want to be 'cool' to Sanha, if he spent too much time with him he'd ruin him like everyone else. Everything he touched was wilting slowly so it was best to just stay alone.

"Thanks Sanha, that helped a lot," He lied, quickly ushering the younger out of his room whilst insisting he go work. As soon as he'd left Minghao looked around and fixed his eyes on his small desk and scrambling towards it to make plans.

He had to leave Healina as soon as possible, 9 months was a long time but he could do that much and escape or die, simple as that.

The boy pulled out some paper from the drawer and began scribbling down fervently, notes and ideas he kept in the back of his mind spilled out onto the page until he was satisfied a few hours later.


> Spend the next 9 months preparing:
     - Continue to work, get as much money as possible
     - Steal some contacts (somehow lol idk yet)
     - Paint the contacts rose quartz (make sure paint is eye safe Minghao please we don't want to go blind)

> Feed into the Ceremony line, don't speak to anyone

> Pray that the rumours about the mirrors is true - put them in swiftly and stand at the back so no one sees

> Get the fuck out of Healina and tag along with the hottest person I see

> Paint and drink wine until my tragic and untimely death

Minghao smiled, nodding at his work before quickly rolling it up and pressing it under his mattress so no one would find it.

He was going to get out.

It worried him that he'd never actually heard of anyone pulling this off successfully but figured that if they did, their story wouldn't be told.

He did worry about what would happen when they'd find he didn't register the next year, he hoped to be presumed dead as to not ruin his romanticised version of Odera where he actually fit.

Returning back to his bed just before his shift he checked his phone,

Verkwan protection squad

vern: it would be great to see you again hyung like that time we all went to the restaurant

bub: i'd like that too, what do you say Minghao?

fuck u: i'm sorry for all the trouble i've caused you, you don't have to pretend anymore

[fuck u has left the chat]

the sun: poor kid

vern: this isn't what he wants, we can all help him

bub: yeah!

shua💙: fine

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