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"Suck my ass Kim Mingyu we won by a landslide!" Wonwoo said, maniacally laughing in the younger's face as he high-fived Chan.

"Maybe if you didn't have an actual hacker on your team it would've been different!"

"Cheol you can't hack in real life..."

"Oh yeah? Tell that to Jihoon-" He attempted to point only to have to scan the room as he wasn't directly with the group, he eventually found him sitting on a bench taking off his gear.

"Yah! Where were you you little gremlin, you had an unfair advantage!" Instead of instantly ripping the oldest to shreds for even mentioning his height, he just mumbled back a quick, "Ask Soonyoung." As he tapped his box that displayed a bright '45:1'.

Six heads turned to him in shock, "You mean to say you got him and didn't start screaming about it instantly? That's not my Soonyoung." Jun said, confused.

"Yeah, I got him it's hardly a victory though we lost colossally so why would I be loud?" There was clearly something off, Soonyoung wouldn't speak this neutrally even if he was in court.

"Okay... well anyway we're never doing this again, anything that feeds Wonwoo's ego this much is unhealthy." Mingyu said, maturely sticking his tongue out and exiting the building so they could all go home.

Jihoon felt himself be pushed up against the wall as soon as he got into his room, a hauntingly familiar feeling. "Something happened between you and Soonyoung and I need to know right now." A serious looking Seungcheol said, locking the door and releasing his grip.

The younger let out a sigh as he collapsed onto his bed face first, a muffled, "Soonyoung has fucked with my head."

"SOONYOUNG FUCK- WHAT??? IN THE MIDDLE OF OUR LASER TAG REALLY?" Seungcheol grossly misheard the younger causing him to get up and wave his hands frantically. "No, god no, Soonyoung fucked with my head not- Fuck it you'll get it out of me anyway, he kissed me and I- How are you supposed to feel when your childhood best friend straight up just sticks his mouth on your mouth?" Jihoon let out another agitated groan, he liked organisation and at the minute his mind was total chaos.

"Oh my god finally!" Seungcheol basically squealed, a noise Jihoon was unaware until now he could actually make. "He's been after you for so long, I'm so proud of him,"

"Wait, he told you?" Jihoon enquired, Soonyoung never really spent a lot of time with Seungcheol so he figured if he knew they all knew which would be catastrophic, "Nah it was plainly obvious though, I'm definitely the number one Soonhoon shipper though."


"Soonyoung plus Jihoon, you guys would be amazing please consider it." The older looked at him with puppy eyes, "I'm just mad at him, if he'd just told me he liked me it would've been fine and I could've worked through it with him but he had to go and kiss me and confuse me because I felt something I never had before and now I'm not sure I can let it go..." He trailed off shyly, he wasn't comfortable sharing his emotions even if it was Seungcheol who he considered his second best friend.

"You're not a pathetic school girl, you're an adult. If you like him back tell him and I can guarantee you he will love you forever."


The comment sparked the memories in Jihoon's mind of the countless times Soonyoung had claimed he loved him in his drunken slurs, did that mean it had been that long?

"It's just that he's my best friend, I'm too scared of losing him and I've never thought of him that way so my brain is just overheating trying to think of what the fuck now?"

"Jeonghan I fucked up, like, really bad." Soonyoung said, catching the older in the hallway and dragging him up to the roof, Jeonghan had little bias and in the short time he'd been there Soonyoung had grown to greatly trust him.

"So basically I've liked Jihoon for years now and when I found him in the game I sort of pinned him against a wall and kissed him and he kissed back, it was amazing but now he's all quiet and distant and I don't know what to do but act the same I'm just-"

"Woah woah woah, slow down." Jeonghan said, presaging a finger to the younger's lips to shut him up, "It's okay, he's probably just a bit confused at the minute, if Shua ever did that to me I probably would've, well, I don't know what I would've done." Soonyoung nodded in agreement, deciding not to question who 'Shua' was.

"What you did was brave, if Jihoon accepts your obvious feelings for him then it's all good and if not you have to promise me you'll work it out, I get enough drama from you people as it is." Jeonghan said, holding onto the younger's shoulders.

Soonyoung let our a short sigh, "Thanks, hyung. Please don't tell anyone." He was met with a wink which he hoped meant yes and composed himself in order to go back into the apartment and act as if nothing happened.

To: Cheolliepop



Angel: okay we'll both say our news in


Angel: your room, now.

Cheolliepop: ;)

Angel: don't make it weird this is our Soonhoon moment

Cheolliepop: i'm sorry, the gays are spreading their agenda and i'm loving it

Angel: whatever you say, see you in 5

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