Chapter 1

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Elyza loved living in Hateno. She loved getting up everyday to help her father with the farm and then her chores with her mom. She loved to wake up her lazy twin Elijah by jumping on his bed. Her town was so peaceful and happy, with an almost audible tune on the wind. She loved going to the beach on her days off with Elijah and dreaming of sailing to other towns for a visit. For, of course, she really didn't want to leave Hateno much. Why would she need to? Everything and everyone she needed were here.
Or, at least, that's how it used to be.
——-Present Reality——-
Elyza heard the cuckoo in the village and knew she had to get up. She ignored it. She turned over in her bed. Unfortunately, her twin wasn't so lax. Anymore.
"Elyza. You gotta get up. It's time to go get started on the day," Elijah said, patient. "The chores aren't going to do themselves."
"No. There's no point," Elyza replied, her face muffled in her pillow. Then, she felt the covers whoosh off and and Elijah drag her out of bed by her leg. She landed with a thump on the hard floor. She looked up at Elijah who stood there, smiling slightly.
"You're a jerk, you know that?" Elyza said, scowling. Elijah just shook his head and walked out the door. Elyza sighed, then got off the floor and stood. Stretching, she walked over to her dresser and grabbed some clothes, went and changed, then went to the mirror and wash bin they had for hygienic purposes. Elyza looked in the mirror. She never was very impressed with what she saw. Bright green eyes, and copper red hair with freckles dusting her nose. Not that she was ugly, she just saw what others didn't seem to. She saw pain in her eyes.
Elyza woke to screaming and heat. She opened her eyes to see fire. She shot upright and scrambled out of bed and looked around frantically for her family. Their beds were empty. She looked at the fire covering the stairs, then looked over the railing to the main floor. Elyza made her decision and climbed over the railing and used it to drop herself to the main floor. Still no signs of her parents. She ran outside in her nightgown yelling for her parents. She ran into her brother in the village and they embraced. "Where are our parents?" Elyza asked, her eyes pleading.
Elyza started. It seemed that she re-lived that night every day. She'd been 14. It'd been two years since her parents death. Apparently, the fire had started at a neighbor's house and had spread to theirs, but their parents had gone out to help and rescue people from their homes and hadn't made it out.
Life didn't seem so perfect anymore. Everywhere she looked in town, all she could see was memories of her parents.
Elyza sighed, then walked outside. It was early morning, with the sun just barely rising. 6:00ish probably. Ever since the fire, she and her brother didn't farm anymore. Sure, they kept a small garden, but it wasn't much. They would fish sometimes or hunt for food, they had some money from helping out in the village but not enough to buy food with and clothes on a regular basis. They could occasionally get stuff, or they would get them for free for helping them with something. Most days though, they didn't have much to do. She didn't even have a reason to get up so early. Elijah saw to the garden mostly and they already had meat from hunting.
Elyza and her brother lived in town in a small house that they had gotten for cheap because it wasn't large and the family who had owned it had left one day. It had a little furniture, but they didn't spend much time inside, even if sleeping sounded nice. But if she tried to go back, Elijah would just drag her out again.
Elyza sighed, then started walking up the hill in the village. She had a favorite spot in the village. It's was near the blue flame. It's been around forever, she didn't think it had ever gone out. Anyway, there was a spot near Zelkoa pond. There was this big tree there and a lamp that held blue flame. Her parents used to take Elyza and Elijah up there often to tell stories of the past. Of Heroes and Princesses and of Hyrule. She had always loved hearing about the glorious fights against the evil Calamity Ganon for the survival of Hyrule. Her parents had always told her that the Hero was still out there and so was his Princess. Traditionally, their names had been Link and Zelda. The stories told that the Hero was waiting to wake to save Hyrule once more from Ganon. Not that Elyza had ever seen such a monster. It seemed that those legends were ones they only told to kids.
Elyza continued up the hill, past other villagers fields up to the tree. It was enormous, but she loved to climb and saw it as a challenge. Elyza started up the tree, finding handholds that barely were there. She finally made it to the top and looked out over her village. So small. Had she really never thought of leaving? Instead, Elyza looked past her village to the land beyond. She saw the Dueling Peaks. She had never left Necluda. Even Kakariko Village seemed far away. Now, looking at it, it didn't seem so far. She looked the other direction. She saw what looked like a big...tower. Huh? Has that always been there? Elyza thought. I don't think I've seen that before. Ever. When did that get there? And... why is it glowing orange?

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