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"Park Hyuck, richest man in Seoul is joining with Jeon Eunho, the richest man in Busan. To create the best and most profitable company in Daegu." The news broadcaster spoke.

I rolled my eyes as the reporter spoke not wanting to hear about my dad any longer. I reached towards the television and flicked it off.

"Jimin!" My dads assistant, Yoongi, called from the other room.

"Yeah?" I spoke not wanting to move from my comfortable spot on the couch.

"I have something to tell you. Well your dad told me to tell you this." Yoongi spoke raising his voice meaning business.

"Arghh, coming!" I yelled walking down the steps from the sitting room upstairs.

"Okay Jimin..." Yoongi spoke quiet avoiding my gaze as he looked around the room. "Your dad didn't want to break the news so, what's new?" He chuckled softly.

"So what is it?" I said slightly annoyed because whatever my dad had to say was always so stupid.

"Okay, I'm just gonna lay it out sir. Your dad and Mr. Jeon have decided that you and his offspring have to get married. Which isn't to bad. Okay..." Yoongi trailed off tapping his small, slender fingers on the desk.

"Oh.. That doesn't seem to bad if they can handle me." I winked playfully.

"I have no further information except the wedding date in 3 days. Carry on young master." He cracked a smile as I nodded to his words.

"Three more days.. November eighth." I sighed writing it on my calendar.

I walked over to my diary and pulled it out and began writing.

November 5, 2019
Today was normal. Except that my dads servant MinYoongi told me some surprising news.

I'm getting married in three days, to a COMPLETE stranger.

Wish me luck!

Lots of love xxx Jimin

I sighed closing the small book with a yellow stitched print.

"Son!" My dad called from downstairs.

I didn't answer instead I put in my headphones and closed my eyes letting my eyes fall weak.

To be frank, my dad has always been selfish. He has never once thought, "Oh what would my son Park Jimin think of this?" Instead he just goes and does it.

I can't even attend a normal high school, get a girlfriend, or do any normal high schooler things.

Even though I was turning eighteen in a month, I still wanted to do normal things.

But everyone wants me for my money, or for the fame. And it's stupid; I don't even have a friend.

I woke up from my thoughts when my dad beat on my door really loudly.

"What the f-" I yelled really loud before getting cut off by my ignorant and childish dad.

"We have suit fitting in thirty minutes, get ready!" He screamed just as loud.

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