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Jimin ran up to me holding something white in his hand.

"Jungkook!" He screamed excitedly. I opened my arms and caught him swiftly as he turned around with his back on my chest.

"What is it?" I said nibbling his earlobe as he pulled the white stick out of his pocket. My eyes widened as the stick was a pregnancy test, a positive one.

"We're going to be dads.." He said quietly fiddling with the white ring on his hand holding the stick as he was scared.

"Oh my gosh!" I yelled wrapping my arms around him. I picked him up and spun him around like a child. His face lit up as he saw my reaction. I've been waiting for this day for a while frankly.


"Are you sure your okay?" He said out of breath from our shenanigans. I giggled softly before nodding yes as I was beyond happy to spend more than a lifetime and a half with the love of my life.

"Yay!" He shouted before pulling me into his embrace again. I felt happier than I've been in a while. Of course Jimin and I have had our fights, but that's what all couples do. To me we were perfect and I wouldn't want anyone else to be with me right now.

*10 months later*

Now you may be asking what happened with my dad. Well he actually paid off the house and lost all contact with me. I do happen to talk to my mom when she's free, but my dad and I haven't cooled over so.

As for Jimin, his dads autopsy results came back. He overdosed and Jimin went through a tough time knowing he killed himself. But we got through it together. We visit his grave when we're free, or when Jimins feeling down.

Jimin and I had been wanting a kid for a while. So we were excited when we got the news that there was a pill to take for male reproduction. No clue how it works but it did.

When Jimin fount out he was pregnant we had to hold in the urge to go blow all the money in our names on cute baby clothes. After about 9 weeks we went to find out the gender.

Turns out Jimin was pregnant with triplets! I was shocked, like this was our first time trying this and we got so lucky. We're now the proud parents of 2 boys and one baby girl.

(an thx for who recommended that 🥺♥︎)

Jeon Yong-Sun, she was or beautiful baby girl. She weighed 7.32 pounds coming in at the smallest baby. She has a bunch of hair on her head. She was very quiet compared to her brothers.

Jeon Min-ho, he was the second smallest baby. He weighed 7.94 pounds. He was quite tall for a baby. He was very loud and always wanting attention.

Jeon Jun-hoe, he was the heaviest. A whole whopping 8 pounds exactly. He was loud but most of the time he slept so no worries on us new parents.

Having kids might've stressed us out as we had three all of a sudden. Our small house was now occupied with children downstairs in the empty bedrooms.

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