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As soon as I walked out trying not to be loud because, I didn't want Jimin to get anymore angrier than he was at me. I sighed not knowing what to do. I was so confused with myself. Everything was jumbled up and scattered around. I walked down the street catching some air while thinking.

'Where can I get something to drink?'

I moped down the street into the lively city. Everyone seemed to have everything figured out, yet here I am confused.

'Well I am eighteen so.'

I walked into a local pub with run down exterior. The strong smell burned my nostrils, but it smelt nice. I walked to the counter where some young guy sat behind.

"Can I get some shots of Soju?" I asked looking at the wall of various alcohols and liquors. The man nodded without asking for my ID. Most people would lay me off if they knew my dad, or if, like this place, they illegally sold to minors for the coin.

"Here." The same boy spoke handing me a shot glass with a green bottle of Soju. I bowed before walking off to an empty table in the back of the pub. There was light music playing; most of the songs were made by senior k-groups.

The lyrics of 'I Can't,' from 2pm played lightly as I effortlessly opened the green glass bottle. I solemnly poured a little into the small glass cup.

After about 8 shots, some girl came and sat at my table. Her hair was short and dark. She looked polite so I offered her a drink. She politely accepted my serving of drinks.

We conversed over silly things nothing to serious. I didn't even know her name, or her age. All I knew was she was decent looking and had a perfect smile.

"So, where you going after here?" She asked smiling softly and reaching to pour some more liquor in her cup. I looked up at her with blurred vision.

"Um, your place?" I said unknowingly and slurred as I was awfully drunk and couldn't even think straight. She smiled cheekily before nodding at my response slowly.

"Ok I dig that." She giggled finishing her cup. I stood up wobbling as I just downed so many shots. She looked up at me and I grabbed her hand and led her outside. It was now dawn and slightly chilly, but I was wearing a hoodie so no worries.

"Taxi!" I shouted holding the woman's hand waiting for a car to pull onto the curb. Shortly afterwards, a car had came and parked. I grabbed her hand as I dragged us both into the car. I almost tripped before the girl had helped me step into the seat.

"So-" She mumbled before I cut us off kissing her decently sized peach lips. They tasted like reminiscence of a childhood candy I had. She sat before kissing back. I effortlessly kissed the girl and deepened the make out session.

What felt like five minutes was actually twenty, and we were now at her house. I got out and waited for her to stumble after me. She grabbed my hand and we walked to the door. I could barely stand waiting for her to unlock the door.

When it opened we both walked in and she turned on the light. I grabbed her and slammed her lightly on the wall and continued the kiss from earlier. I deepened it quickly as her lip shape fit mine well. I grabbed her thigh causing a small moan to escape and that made perfect entrance for my tongue.

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