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Jimin and I sat downstairs in the living room watching some random channel he put on. He kept laughing at the show on the screen. I watched trying to understand, but it seemed he was ahead anything I could comprehend.

The door clicked indicating someone was coming in. I don't believe Jimin heard it so I got up and walked towards the door near the kitchen. At it stood Jungwoo holding a bunch of stuff.

"There's more in the car.. Be quiet I wanna surprise him." Jungwoo said sitting a crate down, which I'm guessing held the puppy. I nodded and walked outside in the dawn light.

I reached in grabbing the food and bowl. Along with what ever was in the last bag. I walked back in and sat the down near Jungwoos big pile.

"I'm gonna put it in your room. Surprise him tomorrow morning. Until then make sure he don't see it. Or whatever you want. I just wanna surprise the boy." Jungwoo said with a unsure smile plastered on his perfect teeth. I nodded with a small smile and grabbed the crate, puppy pads, 2 bowls, and some feed.

"Keep him occupied while I put this up. And hurry and put up the rest of this!" I said walking towards my room upstairs.

When I got in the room I sat down the crate and the other things. I grabbed the bowl and filled it with water in my bathroom sink, and then I opened the feed and poured a little in the silver bowl. I laid out a small dog pad and opened the cage.

Out came the cutest brown puppy, it looked like a beagle. I smiled a big smile as the dog shyly stepped out and looked at me with the cutest eyes. I patted its head, and rubbed its ears.

"Your gonna have to stay here, uh?" I lifted the dog up to reveal it was a girl, "Girl." I smiled setting it down and letting it eat the food.

I walked back downstairs making sure I shut my door and headed to the living room. I sat next to Jimin who seemed just as interested, or perhaps more in the show. I laughed at his giggles over the characters being dumb.

His perfect smile created his little eyes that matched well with his cheerful face. He stopped looking at the screen before looking at me.

'Was I staring?'


I laughed a small giggle before turning to the tv and fiddling with the blanket laid across me. He chuckled awkwardly before getting up.

I stood up and went to knock on his door once he went to his room.

"Sorry, for e-earlier.." I mumbled because I didn't want us to be awkward. Jimin smiled another almost perfect smile.

"No, it's okay!" He said awkwardly before covering it with his hand. He sat down onto the couch that laid in his room.

"I have a surprise hold on.." I said walking out of the room to my own.

can i give him it now?

I guess 😂


I put my phone down and got down on the ground grabbing the crate and knocking on the door laid in front of me. Jimin opened it as I put the crate behind my back.

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