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I sat in the stuck traffic hoping Jimin would be better by the time I got home. I sighed as the traffic wasn't moving. The car was silent other than my calm motor, tapping of my finger, and the heat blowing lightly.

The smell of fast food made the car smell amazing; however, it was a bit sickening after awhile. I sat for a bit longer waiting for any chance of a movement in front of me.

Finally, after what felt like forever the traffic had began moving. There were no more stops on the way to the large house. I pulled into the drive way and got out of the car grabbing the medicine quickly.

I walked into the house quietly trying not to wake Jimin as I saw his bedroom light was off. I walked upstairs without being too loud. I knocked lightly as no response, so I tip-toed into the dark room only lit by a lamp.

"Jimin.." I said quietly shaking the elder softly. No response came from the light breaths he exhaled. I huffed before thinking of what to do. He was sweating a enormous amount. His whole body was heated and his blonde hair stuck to his forehead.

I walked quietly towards his bathroom and grabbed a rag. I damped it lightly in the lukewarm sink water. I shuffled back beside Jimins bed and began to wipe his sweat from various places.

I then lifted his shirt to wipe off the sweat underneath on his chest. His abs were toned making them visible through his white drenched shirt. I backed away before turning to his closet grabbing a new shirt. I got a black one to change out for him.

I began slowly lifting the elder as I held his back cradled into the crease of my arm. I lifted his shirt off slowly revealing his ever so muscular torso.

"Mmh.." Jimin mumbled seamlessly as if he was awake, but to weak to even think of what was going on. I took a deep breath and tossed his sweat soaked shirt aside.

I reached for the new black shirt and covered his bare skin inch by inch trying to be sly. He didn't make any more sounds since earlier so, I think he dozed back off. I wiped his neck and forehead with the damp green rag.

I laid him back down making sure I wiped his torso off well as Jimin was sweating like a melted ice cube. I sat still admiring Jimins restless breaths as he looked so peaceful.

'How will I give him this medicine he needs to stop having this massive fever..?'

I shook Jimin softly again trying to wake him to take the medicine I had prepared for the fever.

'Of course for a headache he can take when he wakes because he can't feel it. But how do I give him this?'

I lifted up the liquid in the cup as I spun it around thinking. I then thought about what I've saw in movies. I shamelessly took the swig of the liquid in my mouth before almost gagging at the classic medicine flavor.

I crawled over Jimin and sat with my arms by his shoulders. I now was on top of the sleeping male. I took a deep breath before connecting our lips. I placed a small amount of pressure with my tongue causing his mouth to open. I seamlessly let the liquid fill his mouth as he swallowed.

"Nghh!" Jimin said quietly as I deepened the kiss on his plump lips to of course give him the rest of the liquid. I opened my eyes to see Jimins widened, yet sleepy eyes staring at me. I quickly backed away from his plump lips.

"I- uhh.. I-" I said unable to explain why I was now sitting on top of Jimin and like thirty seconds ago kissing him. Jimin seemed just as speechless as his mouth laid open, but nothing came out.

"What was t-that..?" Jimin said as his small fingers touched his almost swollen lips. I scratched the back of my neck, as it was out of habit. I looked back into Jimins honey brown eyes.

"I- y-you were s-sweating had a-and I had y-y-your medicine and y-you wouldn't wa-wake u-up and t-take it.. So I-I has too g-give it to-too you s-so you would st-stop befo-before you woke u-up..." I stuttered so bad he probably couldn't understand any of the unknown symbols coming out of my mouth. I cleared my throat and looked down at Jimins blanket sat in my hands.

"Oh.." Jimin said in a small and unsure voice. I nodded reassuring the elders thought. I grabbed the headache medicine and the cup of water that lied next to his bed.

"H-here for you headache." I said politely giving Jimin the pill as he reached out grabbing it from my palm. He popped it into his mouth and reached for the water to swallow it down. I watched to make sure he didn't choke or anything. Jimin took another sip as to clear the taste from his palette.

"T-thanks Kook.." Jimin said mumbling under his breath, but I could still hear the elders comment. I smiled behind my hand that laid nested on my chin. I nodded softly while looking down toying with the pajama pant strings.

"Kook?" Jimin said clearing the awkwardly silenced air. I looked up only halfway as I was to embarrassed to face Jimin.

"Thank you." He said this time louder and clear so I could hear him. Jimins hand just left his lips as he had been touching them for quite some time. I smiled as he had repeated himself so I would know.

"Your welcome hyung, any time!" I cheesed at Jimin who was covering his small laugh with his chubby fingers. Then Jimin moved slightly in his bed as I saw him get up. I watched his movements. He walked over towards me and hugged me tightly. The hug was strong and comforting, but a little to strong which had caused Jimin to fall on top of me.

'Now there's two options Jeon: sit and admire Jimin or awkwardly get up?'

I chose the latter option for some reason as I didn't want to move I laid underneath his frail body and kept my arms around him. Jimin smiled as his cheeks lit up a pastel rose. A smile captivated my face as I pulled Jimin in tighter causing him to fall next to me giggling like crazy.


"Sorry.." He muttered quietly in my ear causing my breath to hitch slightly. I looked over at Jimin before noticing what i was doing and raised up. I looked at Jimin in remorse.

"I-um gotta go use the toilet." I said abruptly jumping up from Jimins warm and comfortable mattress. I ran swiftly into my room and locked the door. I threw myself in my bed and covered my face with my blanket.

'That's the first time my heart has fluttered for a man..!'

I shouted internally before covering my shameful face up with the thick blanket. I could feel the heat in my cheeks as I smacked them trying to snap out of it. The butterflies were uncontrollably there as if I saw my high school sweet heart.

OOoH hope u liked •__,•
i'm sorry

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