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After I had given Jimin the tray I made for him I walked into my room. I dressed into some clothes to go out and meet up with my ex-girlfriend. I threw on a bucket hat to cover my messy hair. I quietly stepped downstairs into the kitchen. I grabbed a left over pancake and walked outside. I made sure to shut the door lightly to make no noise. I really didn't want Jimin to get upset. I should be home before he gets up.

I made sure to text Jungwoo I'll be out so, he didn't begin to worry and tell Jimin. I wrote a note in case Jimin did come down into the kitchen. I loaded the bus once I noticed the big vehicle. I sat towards the front and turned on my phone. A text from Mina, my ex, popped up on the screen.

hiii i'm glad your meeting up with me.
missed u
I'm at the cafe near the park like old times ;)

I gagged at the wink emoticon and shut my phone off and waited for the bus to arrive. When it came to a stop near the park I stood up and hurried off as I didn't want to miss the stop. I traveled towards the restaurant she had mentioned.

I walked in to the reminiscent of my younger years. I walked towards the counter and ordered a simple iced coffee with extra sugar. I waited on the cashier to accept my card and hand me my order. Another male called my order number indicating my beverage was ready. I smiled at the male before taking my food.

I made my way to where Mina sat and placed myself. She took the straw in her cup and spun it around. Mina smiled at me as I mixed in my coffee with the straw provided. I gave a awkward smile before capping my coffee and taking a sip.

"So, I know we didn't end on the best terms, but that's okay your here!" Mina spitefully smiled and gave me a sarcastic look. Mina and I had ended on me walking in on her and my ex friend, Yugyeom, kissing in her bedroom when she invited me over. I still felt weary of visiting her, but I had no other choice.

I smiled realizing I didn't respond to her and she just giggled the fakest laugh. I just sighed playing with the straw in my coffee. The real reason I was here was to see if I had any interest in her, or if I had any interest in girls. A while after our breakup I had feeling for her, and I'm unsure if they went away. Clearly they did as I didn't even want to look at her.

She huffed awkwardly tapping her thighs making a pit-pat sound. I pierced my lips and exhaled looking at Mina. Her lips light pink, and she was wearing a short black dress that barely coveted her thighs.

I looked down before looking back up at her. She looked up meeting eyes with me and smiling like a idiot. I chuckled grabbing my ice coffee tearing the lid off and drank the rest. Mina eyed me with wide eyes as I avoided her gaze.

"I- I gotta go.." I said looking at my phone pretending something important occupied the screen. She widened her eyes before looking at the floor.

"Oh.." She nodded slightly as I left before seeing the rest of her expression. I pulled my phone out and called the only person I could think of, my mom.

"Hello sweetie~" My mom spoke with honey in her voice.

"Hey, mom can I ask you something?" I said unsure.

"Yeah what?" She questioned.

"How do you know you like someone..?" I said shakily.

"You miss them when your not with them, you want to talk to them even if your awkward, you try to look for them when your someplace, they occupy your thoughts, you get shy around them, you are excited to receive looks from them, but aren't you married?" My mom rambled on before stopping.

"I- uh.. yeah obviously... but like what if I check like all of those?" I mumbled chuckling lightly.

"Then you like them!" She said brightly with a soft voice.

"Oh.. I- um mom..?" I said stuttering and mumbling over the words.

"Yes sweetie?" My mom questioned.

"You love me no matter what..?" I trailed off.

"Of course! What is it Jungkookie~?" My mom laughed.

"I- I-..." I didn't finish my sentence I couldn't bring my self to say it.

"You what?" My mom said confused.

"I... um, t-think... I-I like someone..." I said slowly trying to think of how I put this.

"Okay your allowed to!" My mom chuckled softly as I took a deep breath.

"That s-someone's.... a-a g-" I got cut off by a background voice from the other side of the cell.

"Hold on sweetie." My mom said interrupting me and talking to what I'm guessing was my dad.

"Ok.." I said small trying to clasp my thoughts. Murmurs from my mom sounded from the other side of the phone. The background voice stopped and the sound of my moms phone enhanced.

"Son, are you still there?" My mom said unsure.

"Yeah.." I said quietly.

"What was it you needed to ask about who you liked?" She spoke firmly.

"I- Um... what if that someone I like is a g-gu-g-g.." I couldn't spit out the words.

"A what?" My mom said sounding a tad bit annoyed and curios.

"G-guy..." I mumbled super quiet as I felt my heart beat begin to increase.

"Oh.. Honey, I still love you. Guy or girl go tell them if your ready. On the other hand I don't know how your dad would feel..." My mom said happily, but then her voice saddened.

"C-can you keep it a secret..." I whispered into the phone before arriving at the front door of our shared house. The walk felt short as I was on the phone.

"Yes~" My mom said politely. I hung up after final salutations.

"Jungkook?" A voice from the kitchen spoke as I took my shoes off from outside. I looked up to see Jungwoo cleaning the counter. The dog following him around cutely. I nodded and smiled before thanking him. I walked towards my room and changed into more appropriate house ware and laid into my bed. I yawned thinking about my conclusion.

'I think I'm gay..'

'For Jimin..'

'Aiish this is so embarrassing!'

I hit my head with my hand and exhaled loudly before hearing a ding from my phone.

k the end of this sucked- but like i was dozing off on the bus and deleted like 200 words and i'm too tired to rewrite them. anyways i hope u guys enjoy him 'figuring things out..?' Idk rlly lol. also stream any song by zico 🤡 but also ok it's confusing cuz he's married to a guy but like doesn't know if he can like a guy it's jus cuz they were forced his dad doesn't support it. it's strictly business idk-??? okay i'll shush this is finna be longer than this chap.

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