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I sat stunned after Jimin quickly ran out of the room.

'I should've told him I was awake so he wouldn't be so disturbed..'

I sighed as I downed the medicine quickly before getting up. I walked out of the room quietly and tip-toed towards the bathroom Jimin ran in.

I knocked lightly waiting for a solemn response from the elder. Nothing.

"Jimin.." I sighed tapping slightly on the door waiting for a response.

"I'm not in here!" Jimin said quietly.

"Then who is it?" I laughed slightly at the elders obvious joke.

"No one." Jimin grumbled.

I laughed before applying pressure to the door causing it to crack open. I slid my foot in luckily, the door didn't have a lock. I pushed it all the way open and I slithered in.

"Jimin?" I mumbled as he turned away towards the bath tub.

"What?" He said lowly.

"I confessed to you. What's wrong with liking me?" I mumbled stepping closer slightly.

"Nothing. I'm embarrassed.." He whispered as I nodded. I crawled next to Jimin and wrapped my arms around his frail body.

"Why?" I said rubbing his arm.

"Because were both guys... And I have never liked anyone as much as you... And I just wanna hold you, but also I'm very scared...." He managed to whisper stuttering and pausing between some words.

"It's ok. I like you and I'm a guy." I muttered kissing his forehead lightly. Jimins face heated up as he smiled lightly.

"Yeah but you seem okay with it. I am not use to this. I don't wanna hurt you.." Jimin trailed off playing with his shoe laces.

"Jimin, you have to learn something to know if you like it." I smiled lightly still rubbing his arm softly.

"Yeah I guess your right." He hugged me back.

"You never know you may like it.." I giggled lightly nudging his arm slightly.

"Shut up!" He whined hitting me in the chest as he then lied on it. His head rested on my heart as I rubbed his fluffy hair.

"Can I kiss you?" Jimin mumbled after I sat admiring him. I tilted my head and looked down at him.

Before speaking anymore, I leaned down and connected the elders lips with mine. His plump, pink lips felt so smooth on my small lips. I deepened the kiss rubbing his cheek slowly. Jimin slowly pulled away laying his hands on my chest as he looked up at me.

"Jungkook?" He mumbled biting his lip.

"What?" I smiled lightly.

"What are we? Are we dating now or?" He said avoiding my eye contact. His cheeks a light rose color.

"Well, we don't have to be dating just yet.." I smiled unsure of committing just yet.

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