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The ride was silent and nothing was heard, but light talk from Jungwoo and the driver. I think I heard Jungwoo say Lucas. I've never heard of him, but he was really nice sounding and looking.

I groaned silently as I realized only my dad will be there. Jungkook probably has a mom.
It's hard to be close with your dad when he's well-known and cocky.

Jungkook hummed lightly causing my eyes to become dreary, but I shook my head to make sure I don't doze off.

'I'm honestly surprised he can sing decently well.'

I sighed as my dad was extremely homophobic; however, let me marry a man.

'Maybe that stupids parents are nice.'

Soon enough we arrived at a classic, but small restaurant. Almost all spots were taken in the lot so Jungwoo and Lucas parked somewhere else. I think they're going to eat separate from us, together.

When they dropped us off it was me and Jungkook walking in together. We don't talk unless it's hate speeches, and frankly I don't really wanna talk. I am not use to talking to people since I didn't grow up with many friends.

When we walked in there were an immense amount of people.  Jungkook and I stared around the room and he went 'ahh'.

"There over there!" He said actually sounding pretty descent, not mad, however normal.

I followed behind him awkwardly playing with the sleeves on my shirt that covered my wrist.

I sat on the same side of Jungkook. My dad ,and his mum and dad squeezed into chairs. We sat in the booth leaving us both comfortable.

I didn't look up or try to talk much; I did bow and introduce myself to Jungkooks folks. He did the same to my dad, but him being the hateful man he is just hummed.

'Why can't you try to act happy?'

My dad didn't talk he stared at his phone which was super impolite. Jungkook and his parents stared awkwardly exchanging small talk.

A waitress walked up handing us menus as we all scimmed through. My dad let out a loud scoff, causing Mr. Jeon to look up.

"This is all gross.." He said hateful. Jungkooks dad just nodded as he seemed to find what he wanted.

'For then merging together they don't seem close.'

"Drinks?" The waitress spoke softly as we all had what we wanted in mind.

Jungkook, his mum, and I all asked for sprite, while his dad asked for a water, and my dad asked for red wine.

I scoffed at his answer as he gave me hateful glare. Causing all the problems from my childhood to dwell. My stomach turned as our drinks arrived. 

I drunk the drink quickly as the waitress asked for our orders of food.

I ordered a small thing of curly fries, Jungkook asked for a steak as well as his dad, his mom wanted a salad, and my dad ordered fried shrimp.

"Not hungry?" Jungkooks mom spoke. I stared for a bit before saying no because in all honestly I didn't feel good.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I said as my face grew pale. Jungkooks mom noticed as she spoke.

"Jungkook go see if he's okay." She said as I walked halfway to the bathroom. Jungkook of course groaned, but then did as instructed.

As I walked in the bathroom I splashed warm water on my face. Drying it as I stared in the mirror reminiscing the past.

Jungkook entered sighing, but trying to be considerate cause I wasn't feeling the best.

"Do you need anything? I can ask for some water." He said small letting his voice tremble.

The air was awkward, not that we wanted it that way, but in all honesty it was hard not to be. We were strangers in a unwanted situation, but whatever. I tried to not be some mean, but the situation just everything was so frustrating and my dad wasn't helping.

I didn't think before doing. I shook my head to the water. As I walked over to Jungkook and pulling the tall and muscular boy into my small embrace. 

He didn't move he then lightly patted my back which made me feel slightly better. Jungkook knew not to talk as he knew how much I was hurting.

"Want to head back now?" Jungkook said pulling away quickly as I nodded softly.

"Sorry." I muttered as Jungkook just hummed as we sat down.

"Your foods here, and are you feeling better Jimin?" His mom asked in a polite, honey filled voice. She made me feel happy, Jungkook was lucky.

"Yeah, just felt fuzzy." I smiled lightly as she rubbed my hand lightly. I began to eat slowly. My dad didn't even eat his food.

"I'll be going now." My dad said abruptly causing us all to be confused.

"I have a meeting." He added as he put down some money and walked out.

"Uh, bye." We all said confused at his sudden action. The air thickened as I thought of how bad my dad was. How he just showed off in front of Jungkooks parents.

"We have to leave soon to." Jungkooks dad spoke in a deep voice. Jungkook nodded as I smiled.

We all finished eating except me, I wasn't feeling to good. Jungkooks mom hugged me as we got up to leave. And his dad shook my hand as I bowed them off.

I waited for Jungkook to tell his parents goodbye. As we waited in the car for Lucas and Jungwoo it was silent.

Jungwoos giggle was heard from outside the door, causing me and Jungkook to buckle up.


OwOoO i'm gonna write another chap this is kinda like 3 parts- hope u likes 💕

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