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I woke up sweating a lot. I shook my head before wiping myself off with my damp shirt. I hurried up and walked out of my room. I saw Jungwoo in the kitchen smiling feeding Kookie.

"Hey, is Jungkook home?" I said worried asking the blonde male.

"Yeah he should be upstairs." He giggled before sitting down on a kitchen stool.

"Oh.. okay thanks." I smiled before turning my direction towards upstairs.

"Jungkook?" I said quietly knocking on the plain door. I sat waiting till the door opened revealing Jungkook. Perfectly fine no cast or anything.

"What?" He said seeming surprised of my unexpected visit.

"I had a bad dream." I frowned pulling the younger into my embrace.

"Awe, what about?" Jungkook said walking towards his bed. As he sat down, I followed and placed my self lying in his lap.

"You. You got in a wreck and had a cast and everything.." I
said whilst Jungkook ran his fingers through my hair.

"Oh no. Don't worry I don't ever drive. Are you still mad st me?" He frowned slightly in realization. I sat taking a deep breath forgetting I was mad at the latter.

"About that.." I trailed off as Jungkook listened.

"Hmm?" He said spinning his index finger in my hair.

"I don't know. I like you and want to date. Even though we are practically married there isn't really a 'date.' But I want to be able to trust and see you as a trustworthy significant other. I know your a good guy and friend just these past few weeks you haven't been the loyalist.." I sighed softly fiddling with my hands.

"Oh." Jungkook said as if he was unable to say more. I pursed my lips nodding at his reaction unable to think of anything to say.

"I'm sorry.." He said looking me in the eyes apologetically.

"It's not your fault.. well it kind of is, but it doesn't matter." I smiled falsely knowing it did matter. We both knew it too.

"I promise I'll make it up to you." Jungkook smiled small, but it was meaningful. I nodded biting my lip.

"C-can I still kiss you?" I mumbled admiring Jungkooks pretty, pink lips.

"What?" He said seeming confused.

"Kiss you, can I?" I said gaining more confidence. Jungkook raised his eyebrow.

"Even if your mad?" He said a little dumb struck.

"Why not~" I teased the younger by pouting.

'Is this dumb? Yes, absolutely.'

'But I wasn't lying, I did miss his lips on mine...'

Before Jungkook responded I lifted from his lap and grabbed his collar. I pulled him up to where our lips were an inch away from connecting. I felt Jungkooks hot breath on my lips as did he. I rubbed my lips over his teasing the latter.

"Ah stop!" Jungkook whined before pulling me into his lips. His faint cherry chapstick tasted sweet as his lips felt soft. I deepened the kiss as he ran his hands up my back. I let my hands trail his body. Jungkoook deepened the messy kiss causing it to be more of a make out.

I leaned back to catch my breath before Jungkook could finish catching his I slid my tongue into his mouth. I explored the slobbery cavern of his small mouth. I let out an innocent and quiet moan after he bit my lip.

"Your really- good at this." Jungkook said in between the action. I smiled as I felt my cheeks heat up. I shook it away and nodded.

"Yeah you too." I said heavily as I could barely breathe. I connected my lips to his neck as I left a small purple marks till Jungkook let out a whimper. I knew I had hit his sweet spot so I sucked on that spot harder till it went from plum purple to deep blue. I smiled in satisfaction as Jungkook bit his lips holding in whimpers and groans. I smiled before pulling the youngers jacket off as his eyes widened.

I smiled reassuring the muscular younger. I began to leave light purple circles on his innocent skin. I pinched his brown nipples as Jungkook let out a loud groan. I giggled covering his mouth with my hand.

[a:n i am apologizing in advance akfhsj]

Jungkook smirked before giving an evil look. I stared confused before he yanked my shirt off aggressively. He began to lick his lips before placing them on my pale skin.

I smiled in satisfaction, as he let his slender yet muscular hands grope my thigh. I grunted quietly as he still stuck to my neck as if he was a leech.

"Only I can dominate in this relationship." Jungkook said before going back to leaving a trail of small circles down my chest.

"H-hey should we stop. Maybe save this till Jungwoo isn't home.." I mumbled feeling small.

'It would be more considerate of us. And it would be awkward if he heard us..'

Jungkook looked up from my chest. His breathing was heavy as he smiled.

"Yeah your right." He said shamelessly and still catching his breath. I nodded before standing and grabbing my shirt as well as Jungkooks. I threw his at him as we both dressed.

Not that I didn't wanna go further with him. I just want to save it until we can be 'official..?' I don't know.

"Jimin?" Jungkook smiled as his hair was messy, and the light and dark purple marks peaked from his collar.

"What?" I said looking at the untidy sheets.

"Come here." He smiled before I slugged over to his spot on the bed. Jungkook pulled me into hug and allowed my head to lay on his chest.

"When is your birthday?" He asked sweetly playing with my hair as usual.

"October 13th why?" I laughed at the random question. He smiled and nodded.

"Happy belated birthday." Jungkook whispered.

"What?" I said just as confused on why my birthday mattered, but I went with it and thanked him.

"Jungkook?" I said looking up from his chest leaving his fastened heart beat.

"Hmm?" He said politely.

"I love you.." I whispered before nestling in his nape. He jerked back slightly and didn't say anything except a smile.


skfjsj a dReAm cuz i didn't wanna make the accident real so have fluffy smut. hehe i don't like writing smuts so i hope u enjoy the cut offs each time 🤡

edit so no one gets a bit sad i will write one at a point ♥︎

also 18k holy heck

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