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I sat quietly driving and not trying to look at Jimin. I knew he was probably mad because of the girl, but what reason does he have to get jealous? Him and I are married not me and her.

I ferociously tapped the steering wheel as the silence was killing me. I sighed in annoyance as Jimin didn't seem to have a care in the world. 

I felt my eyes sting as tears streamed from the corner of my eyes to the corner of my lips. I wiped them quickly and hiding the sniffles.

"Are you crying?" Jimin said as if he wasn't earlier. I looked up at him before shaking my head no. I knew my eyes were most likely red and barely swollen, but I also don't want to upset the elder more than he needs. Jimin nodded before going back and viewing the scenery.

I knew he had to feel betrayed and I felt betrayed myself. Why did l start liking him he's so selfish, is probably what he's thinking.

I sat quietly trying not to show my emotions to the elder. The drive felt so long and suffocating. I was tired and wanted to go home and ease up.



I turned towards Jimins who phone began to ring. I saw the caller id and it was  Jungwoo.

'Must not be anything important.'

I awkwardly sat as Jimin listened the to muffled voice.

"What! Are your serious? Jungwoo this isn't funny. R-really..? We're coming home now!" Jimin said hurrying and sniffling towards the end. I looked at him with concern.

"Is everything okay?" I said sympathy in my voice to the elder who seemed sad.

"I'll tell you later just drive." Jimin said with tears quietly streaming his reddened face.

"Please tell me..?" I said trying to let comfort enter my tone. Jimin looked at me sniffling once more and wiping his pretty face. His hair was messy from the wind outside the cracked window. His cheeks were red from the cold wind.

"Jungkook, I said later!" Jimin yelled letting his voice crack. I frowned as we stopped at the red light. I leaned over and wiped his heated face. Jimin sighed as he gasped for air. More sobs escaped Jimins bemoaned face.

"J-Jungkook. I l-love you.. so much." Jimin mumbled huffing for air. I mouthed the words back to the elder as he had continued to let sobs escape.

"Jimin, breathe!" I said concerned. I turned towards the wheel and began driving again the house wasn't far away so Jimin would have to open up soon.

The rest of the ride was silent except quiet sniffles from Jimin. I tried to sympathize the male, but I don't know how when I'm unaware of why he's upset.

"We're here.." I mumbled breaking the silence. Jimin looked up and nodded biting his now swollen lips. We got out quietly as I walked inside. Jimin ran into Jungwoos room as I sat stunned.

'What's he got I don't?'

I frowned to myself as I heard them talking quietly. I tip-toed over to Jungwoos door. I leaned over and listened through the door.

"Is he actually dead..?'' Jimin mumbled.

"Yes.. The funeral is soon. We're going to get him a funeral planned soon I promise.." Jungwoo replied.

The chat was long as I gathered information on the funeral and nonchalant things. But I never knew who it was for, so hopefully Jimin will tell me.

The door opened as I quickly ran and jumped on the couch acting as I wasn't listening.

Jimins face was more red than usual and his eyes were almost swollen shut. I looked up at him concerned as I stood up. I followed him to his room as I watched him plop on his bed.

I watched and walked beside him. I didn't wait till he told me to sit down. I scooted on the empty spot next to Jimin and lied down.

"Jimin? You have to tell me sooner or later. We are husb- we're friends." I said correcting my self even though I hated not calling him mine. Jimin turned to me as I did the same. We laid on our side and stared at one another for a while.

"Well my.. d-d... dad died..." Jimin mumbled and started biting his lips holding back visible tears.

"What does that mean for us?" I said concerned as I should've put my first worries to his father, but I was scared on how that would affect their company and our marriage.

"I- I don't know. They are doing the autopsy soon so we should see why. But as for the company I don't know. Maybe your dad can run it and we won't have to divorce or anything. Besides your dad probably wants you with a girl.." Jimin said sounding even more upset than earlier.

"What my dad wants isn't what I want. I want you, only you." I said rubbing my hand on his arm that lied resting on his chest.

"Yeah.. I hope this doesn't distance us." Jimin said rubbing the same drawing on my arm.

"It won't! I'll be by your side this whole time. Even if you don't want me to. We're practically family and we both obviously know we're not friends." I said trying to get his mind off the subject, but I still spoke sadly about us.

Jimin didn't respond instead he nodded. I felt kind of hurt he didn't, but he also has a lot to process. Jimin crawled up next to me and wrapped his petite arms around my waist.

His heat made me feel safe, yet mine probably didn't make him feel comfort. He don't even trust me, right?

Jimins soft snores filled the soundless and sorrowful air. I rubbed his arms that covered my waist. His snores lured me into sleep as he held me.

a : n

i wanted to make this like a MEGA conflict where like they got divorced cuz of the death but i'm not THAT mean maybe👉🏽👈🏽

but like this chapters boring an i hope ik what to write abt more.

also question, who is your all's favorite groups plz comment <33 i wanna interact with u all!!

- also i feel like since jimin rejected jk barely any 1 reads these;-; -

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