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I watched as Jungkook left my room with a saddened look. I sighed as I did feel bad for my doings, but I think he deserved it. I locked my door after a few minutes, and I laid down on my bed that felt empty without the younger on it.

I sighed softly as I counted sheep till fastening asleep. I slept for two hours before being awoken by a scream from downstairs. I shook my head and jolted up.

"What's going on?" I said sheepishly standing in the dimly lit kitchen.

"J-Jung.." Jungwoo said stuttering like crazy.

"Jungkook what!" I said assuming that's what he was trying to say.

"H-he, hurt, accident." He said not making any sense except those three key words.

"What happened!" I screamed after I heard accident.

"He wr-wrecked.." Jungwoo stuttered as tears streamed his cheeks lightly.

"Where is he?" I said concerned.

"The hospital t-they just texted me." He said calming his breathing more as I listened.

"Then why are we sitting here?" I growled as Jungwoo nodded and grabbed the phone in his pocket quickly. 

"Lucas, we need a ride urgently!" He said to Lucas desperately. I impatiently bit my lips.

'I wonder what happened?'

'I hope he's ok..'

Not to long after, Lucas honked his horn loudly as Jungwoo and I ran out. We hurried into the car and buckled. 

"Ok where to Jungu?" He said cutely giving his significant other a nick name. I smiled st the warm comment, but we needed to go seriously.

"Hospital now!" Jungwoo said with a worried tone.

"Oh wow okay!" Lucas said in realization hitting the gas quickly. The drive felt long as I was scared and anticipating the worst.

'Was this my fault..?'

I looked up as Lucas unlocked the doors indicating we had arrived. Jungwoo and I thanked Lucas before hurrying into the waiting room.

"Hello, we are here for Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook please!" Jungwoo said to the receptionist who nodded scanning through a book. 

"Um, please sit down till I call you. He's busy in surgery." The receptionist spoke sweetly pointing towards the medium crowded area.

"Ok thanks!" I bowed as we walked towards two seats and sat down.

"Do you think anything bad happened?" I whispered feeling the anxiety pulp through my veins.

"No I hope not. It was just a car wreck he must've been drunk. He couldn't of done much, hopefully..." Jungwoo said trying to comfort my stressed mood.

"I hope.." I trailed off letting the time pass slowly.

"Jeon Jungkook visitors?" The receptionist spoke causing us to jolt up.

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