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When we arrived home Jimin ran straight to his room. I wanted to be nice and see what was up. Maybe it would loosen up the tension.

I knocked lightly on Jimins door. "Come in." He sighed front the other side of the door. I opened it showing Jimin wrapped up laying on his side.

"Wanna talk about it?" I said uneasy, but trying to feel some sympathy. Jimin turned over to me and looked up. His eyes were red and puffy.

"I don't know." He mumbled sitting up as I took a hint and sat near him.

"So what's with your dad?" I asked bluntly and Jimin sighed before running his chubby fingers in his charcoal hair.

"I don't know. Ever since his company grew big he has always been rude. He use to hit my mom when things happened at the company.." He stopped mid sentence tearing up slightly. I just listened as he continued.

"She didn't do anything and I was young then so, it affected me I refused to try to make friends. I was silent as a kid and when I didn't do one thing to my dads nature he would hit me..." Jimin wiped his tears slowly before take a deep breath.

"And after a while my mom left me, and she was my only friend. I was really close to her. She left and went to my grandmas and hasn't even tried to contact me that I know of. And he became meaner once she left. He would get mad if I even looked at him wrong he would look at me and smack me in the face." Jimin started crying more. I felt bad for him.

I leaned in and rubbed his shoulder while he cried quietly. "Im so sorry." I was speechless what could I say about that.

"My parents also weren't to perfect.." I muttered trying not to make Jimin feel bad.

"H-how so?" He mumbled pulling his knees to his chin. I smiled softly as he looked miserable.

"My parents disagreed on everything. They use to argue and one would constantly move out. And my mom tried to keep it positive, but after my dad got the promotion when his company grew she became bubblier. Their relationship became happier. But I still feel a little bit of anger towards them." I sighed as I played with the button on my shirt.

"Yeah my dad also doesn't ever think about how I or anyone else feels." Jimin said lightly. I nodded knowing how the elder felt.

"You should get going now." Jimin said wiping his tears. "Thanks Jungkook." He said softly as I got up and left.

I walked into my room and pulled out the journal in my dresser.

November 15, 2019

Today was hectic, first of all I had to meet Jimins rude dad. Then my mom made me go take care of him when he felt bad.

I felt kinda bad for him, because when he got home he was upset. And I knew how he felt somehow. I understand and feel sympathy for him. Even though I dont wanna be here, neither does he.

I should be more mindful to him because, I now know we both don't wanna be here. I'm selfish.

I felt bad for being mean to Jimin. But in the same sense he was mean to me. Why am I feeling bad?


I closed the book as I put it into the drawer it came from. I walked downstairs to get a snack because I wasn't tired. And it was only 6.

Downstairs Jungwoo was on the phone, I could only hear a few things and one was Lucas.

'What is Lucas to him?'

I barely knew Jungwoo, but I didn't want him to feel unwanted because he's just sitting here all day.

When I came in he said goodbye and smiled at me. "Who was that?" I asked politely as he chuckled.

A light pink blushed his checks, "Lucas!" He smiled. I nodded.

"Are you guys a thing?" I said while pulling a bag of crackers out of the cupboard. Jungwoo stepped back before laughing slightly.

"Uh sorta.." His voice was shaky and uncertain. He seemed to feel uncomfortable so I smiled lighting the mood.

"Oooh! Are you together~?" I smiled softly as Jungwoo chuckled awkwardly.

"Almost.." He smiled thinking of the tan boy. I couldn't recall what he looked like except tall, dark, and handsome. I gave him a thumbs up as he covered the light pink on his cheeks.

"Oh I forgot! Can you pick me up some contacts, and maybe order some ice cream for Jimin. He isn't feeling well, and some stomach medicine!" I said as Jungwoo nodded and wrote it down.

"I'll be back~" I watched as he waved and left sudden. I must of made him feel uncomfortable, but I wanted to make him comfortable. Like he had a friend.

I walked towards Jimins bedroom and knocked slowly, and he hummed to come in.

"I got Jungwoo to get you some ice cream and medicine." I said as Jimin smiled.

"Thanks!" He smiled and spoke with a horse voice. It must be from crying. I nodded and walked out.

Jungwoo came in about fifteen minutes later with the things I asked for. "Sir, here for you and Mr. Jeon." He spoke softly as I hissed at the shared surname.

I grabbed the bag and walked into Jimins room to see him about to get in the shower. He only stood in boxers. I quickly covered my face in embarrassment.

"O- I am so, so, so sorry!" I shouted because that was unexpected. He quickly put his sweats back on. Now he was just bare chested.

"Uh- Um.. Here!" I said quickly giving him the medicine and ice cream.

He thanked me as I ran out so embarrassed. I walked into my bathroom to see my cheeks red.

'This is just cause Im embarrassed.'

I sighed before putting the contacts on the counter and brushing my teeth.


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