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Wedding Day

I woke up to the loud pound on my bedroom door shaking the whole house it felt.

"Who the heck!" I yelled loudly groaning.

"Get up Jimin!" My dad screamed from the other side of the door.

I grunted as I got up rubbing my swollen eyes. I walked towards the door opening it revealing my dad all dressed up.

"What?" I said annoyed with a smug look on my face. My dad sighed before repositioning the tie on his chest.

"The wedding Sir!" My dad yelled as I realized the day.

I groaned loudly before walking past the grown man in front of me.

I reached into the fridge grabbing a yogurt drink. "So when does it start?" I slurped on the small drink.

"Around 4." Yoongi spoke as he scrolled through the newspaper in his hands.

I sighed as I finished the rest of the drink in my hand before checking the time. "1:30!" I screamed.

"You let me sleep that long?" I said harsh at the assistant and my dad.

They shrugged as I rolled my eyes walking upstairs. I shut the door and sighed.

I didn't mind the fact about the wedding just I didn't want to go.

I quickly freshened up in the shower before getting my hair and everything ready for the wedding.

I dressed in the suit as I fixed and buttoned everything needed.

I gave myself a few glances in the mirror before fixing my hair some more, and spraying cologne on me.

I slid on dress shoes before walking downstairs around, 3:45.

"Son! You look so beautiful." My mom said rubbing my cheeks before my dad came in.

"Son car now!" He said motioning to the door and then his watch. I just rolled my eyes before everyone headed to the car.

The drive wasn't long. It was in between Busan and Seoul. Close enough for me and Mr. Jeons kid not to drive long.

When I arrived the venue was bustling with noise from the guest. Me and my future wife wouldn't see each other till exactly 4:30.

We were in separate room till the time. Don't ask me why because I didn't know.

"Almost ready?" The stylist said while styling my hair. I looked up in the mirror before answering.

"I guess." I said slowly before realizing my palms were picking sweat.

"Congrats." The girl smiled as she patted my shoulder before putting the hair comb down.

I shrugged before the ceremony started. I could hear the music start as some clapping.

I took a few deep breaths before walking out. I sat there as I waited for the other to walk out.

I kicked my feet as I looked down before realizing a new pair of feet were in front of mine.

I tap was at my shoulder before I looked up.

"Oh no!" I screamed internally letting my eyes widen as the others did too.

The girl I was marrying was a guy!!?

I looked at him with a confused and disturbed look. It was the boy I saw at every wedding store. The boy who seemed sweet, but as a friend.

I don't like guys; however, here I am marrying one. I internally panicked. I'm ruined.

The boy had the same amount of concern casted upon his fallen face.

The preacher began speaking, however I knew neither of us were listening.

"Do you take Jungkook as your lawfully wedded husband, to have, to hold, to keep through sickness, and through death?" The preacher spoke staring at me.

"J-Jungkook..?" I said slowly before looking into the just as confused boy.

"I guess." I mumbled because I had no choice. Boy or girl I was forced into this marriage.

"Do you take Jimin as your lawfully wedded husband, to have, to hold, to keep through sickness, and through death?" The preacher said again copying what he had just spoke.

The boy named Jungkook looked up at me as I stared at him with my mouth open.

"I suppose." He said uninterested rubbing the back of his neck.

The preacher clapped, "Now kiss." He smiled as we froze.

We both sat still staring with eyes as big as the atlantic. My breathing hitched and so did Jungkooks.

The preacher pulled up closer until our lips met slightly. We both pulled away quickly with a disgusting attitude.

I groaned as the ring boy walked up onto the stage. He handed us a ring each. The rings were black and white.

I rolled my eyes before sliding the black one on the other mans finger. As he followed sliding the white onto my chubby fingers.

The crowd went wild as the cheers and screams filled the air. Me and Jungkook just stared, not even sharing words.

I walked off the stage with the boy as we had to cut cake. I grabbed the cake cutter as Jungkook followed.

Are hands touching slightly before he pulled away. I cut the cake before getting two slices for me and Jungkook.

We ate quietly before he spoke, "Do we have to live together?" He said concerned.

I nodded slightly before realizing we would have to move in together.

"Jimin!" My dads assistant called as I walked towards him.

"Let's go." He smiled as I rolled my eyes.


November 8, 2019
Dear diary,

Today I married the girl I was supposed to. And that girl was a GUY!

I am so disgusted I've never liked guys. And I am not wanting to.

Pray for me

xx jimin

i would write jks pov but it would b boring all the same stuff so :(. i kinda most likely wanna write in only one persons pov because it'll be tuff to make things from two. i'll shut up <3
hope u like ! comment or like if so :) ur feedback makes me wanna write.

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