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a lot of jk pov ik😰
hhh jk only two buT-
continue sorry <3


I stood up from where I was laying for about ten minutes. I walked towards the desk sitting in the corner of my dimly lit room. I pulled out a pen from the cup full, and the notebook I've completely neglected since I moved. I clicked the pen and dragged it to the paper.

December 1, 2019
Ahh it's been so long. so much has happened since my last entry haha sorry. first of all i'm friends with jimin now so life's not SO dreadful. buttttt i have a big issue..

I think i'm gay or into guys. I haven't liked a girl in months and none catch my eye. And i can't keep my thoughts away from jimin. i am just so lost and idk what to do. I'm very unsure if i do. i may not it may just because were married. idk i prob don't and i'm jus making it up, or i do and can't face it. anyways i won't act like a childish school girl...

please wish me luck. Jungkook fighting!

- jjk

I finished my last sentence and quickly slammed the book shut shoving it into the desk drawer. As soon as I did my door opened revealing Jimin. I sighed in relief

'Just the person I wanted to see..!'

I smiled lightly as the elder was probably still angry at my actions. Jimin nodded and walked over to my bed plopping his self on it. He didn't look up as he fiddled with his fingers lightly kicking his feet. I turned the desk chair facing him and observed the lost and hateful looking elder.

"What?" I said breaking the icy cold silence like from when we first met. I sighed as my palms were sweaty and I felt scared. Jimin bit his lip softly before looking up at me, yet he slightly still avoided my gaze.

"I-um can we make some rules..?" He mumbled husky like looking back down. I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

'Why is he acting like this? Is he mad or what??!'

I nodded slowly before he let a small smile plant his plump lips. I waited for what ever rules the elder had wanted. Jimin looked back up, this time more certain and confident.

"Like, even if we don't like it, don't cheat.. or anything in that nature. Please respect the other and tell us if your leaving. Besides partner a and partner b, us, are still friends in a way. So if partner a is sad or whatever tell partner b and they should help..." Jimin paused as I nodded unsure, "I don't know. Just to tighten our bond." He finished sounding hateful now.

"Ah, okay if that's what you want!" I smiled agreeing to seemingly easy rules of the Jeon duo. Jimin smiled back before excusing himself. I stuttered as he left trying to figure ways for him to stay. But, in all honesty I knew he wouldn't. Jimin was still mad I could tell. He didn't want to face, or talk to me.

I got up and walked behind the elder. I followed him into his room unknowingly. Jimin turned around now noticing me. He scoffed and rolled his eyes pushing me out of the room. He made sure to slam the door as I sat outside it.

'We aren't even dating why is he mad I slept with her..?'

"Jimin?" I said in the babiest voice ever trying to lull Jimin. I pushed on the door twisting the golden knob. I could tell Jimins body sat blocking the door. I grunted gradually opening the door and teased him once I got in.

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