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The morning started quiet the tension as high as usual. The smell of food was in the kitchen, surprisingly I could smell it from upstairs.

As I walked downstairs a small, chubby hand brushed mine. I looked up and so did Jimin. We met eyes and his messy black hair and bare face suited him. I shook away the thought before rushing past the boy.

"Jungwoo, what's for breakfast?" I said eager to eat whatever was filling the air. Jungwoo turned around.

"A berry crepe." He smiled placing the crepe down in front of me and Jimin. On top laid powder sugar causing my mouth to water.

"Enjoy!" Jungwoo smiled before pulling out juice for me and Jimin. "Apple or orange?"

I sat still before saying, "Apple." At the same time as Jimin. I let out a soft growl as Jimin just rolled his eyes.

I let a unhappy grim look seek onto my face. I ate the crepe quietly it was quite awkward, because Jimin sat next to me.

I ate quickly and took the last sip of my drink before getting up. I washed my plate as I could feel Jimins hateful gaze burning into the back of me.

Without thinking I turned around and shouted in the most hateful tone, "What is your problem? I know neither of us wanted this, but jesus christ!" I clenched my jaw as Jimin let out a confused sigh.

Before letting the annoying partner of mine answer I stormed into my bedroom and laid down. Sleeping was the only thing that made the days not too long.

Right now it was only 9:36a.m. so, I called for Jungwoo. "Jungwoo!" I yelled as he rushed into the room.

"Is everything okay?" He said concerned as I chuckled softly letting a relieving look seep onto his face.

"Yes, I just want you to wake me up before 3:30. About 2:30?" I smiled as Jungwoo nodded and bowed.

I laid down and covered my face huffing loudly, annoyed at the whole situation.

'I thought if I moved from my dad I'd be happier.'

'But I also thought I'd be with a girl..'

Before thinking anymore I drifted to sleep. I was dreaming about Jimin.

"Jungkook." Jimin whispered softly. I looked up before the boy pulled me into a kiss. Letting his arms roam my back.

Before responding I kissed back and let my hands rub through the elders hair.

"Jungkook!" A voice unlike Jimins harsh tone seeped in my dream. "Jungkook!" The voice loudened.

I opened my eyes seeing Jungwoo, "Oh sorry." I said lightly feeling bad for not waking straight away.

I ignored the fact of Jungwoo as he left. I sighed as I thought of my dream. Me kissing Jimin, ew.

'I don't know why my mind would even think of anything of such.'

I groaned as I got up seeing it was 2:30. About an hour and thirty minutes to get ready.

I got up and picked out a nice outfit for the dinner. Once I finished I prepped for a shower. I pulled out the new 2 in 1 shampoo from under my sink. Since it was a new shower it was completely empty.

I had to grab everything I needed from what was prepared under the sink. I grabbed a blue loofa, a bottle of shampoo, a bar of soap, body wash, face wash, and tooth paste since I brush my teeth in the shower.

I put everything into it's belonged spot as I got undressed and ready for a shower.

I turned on the hot letting it seep into my skin releasing all the worries and stress from everything.

A to familiar groan sounds from downstairs. "ArGhhHhh!" Jimin yelled. As I finished my shower and stood in only a towel my door slammed open.

"You little-" Jimin lunges at me before noticing I was in a towel. He stopped as I rolled my eyes letting my wet hair cover the tip of my eyelashes.

"Little what?" I said annoyed as Jimin seemed to have just showered as well. Jimin ran his fingers through his damp black hair as a hiss seeped through his teeth.

"You made my water freezing cold because, your greedy self had to shower as well." He lashed out as I ignored him putting my shirt and pants on.

I didn't care to undress in front of him because: we're both guys, I knew he wasn't paying attention to me, and he was screaming to much to notice me get completely nude.

"I swear. You act twelve!" He screamed in a childish girl voice whining as I didn't pay attention.

"Where the same age, stupid!" I yelled back finally as I walked over and sat on my messy bed.

Jimin ignored the comment and walked out with a simple flip of his middle finger, I scoffed.

'Who's acting twelve now?'

I dressed into a black button up shirt, not to tight, but the loose fit I enjoyed. That was tucked in the front of some blue jeans. I didn't try to wear ripped because I knew it was impolite. Of course I paired it with some black combat type boots.

I combed my wavy, highlighted hair before walking downstairs. I threw on some glasses as well because I didn't have any contacts.

'Remember to tell Jungwoo I need contact lenses.'

As I sat downstairs drinking a bottled water Jimin came down. His steps echoed through the almost empty house.

He wore a white dress shirt, falling over some black jeans, paired with brown boots, and since he was still wet from his shower you could see through his shirt.

His abs showed through and it seemed Jungwoo couldn't stop staring.

'Is Jungwoo gay?'

I quit staring as Jungwoo asked, "Ready everyone?" We both nodded following him into a parked car outside.

The seating was Jungwoo in front with the driver, and me next to Jimin. I groaned as the space was tight. As I sat with my legs open and Jiming sat cross legged.

Ima cut this and continue it in the next <3333

Hope u like.
I hate how mean Jm be 😳

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