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night before the wedding

November 7, 2019

Today I ran into that guy I saw at the tuxedo place. I gave him some medicine I hope we meet more he seemed sweet.

But anyways we went wedding cake testing today. We decided on a vanilla and chocolate marble because the wedding theme.

I have to pack soon for the new house which seems nice. I don't wanna leave my mom, but I have to marry this girl.

I don't even know her name :(
so Jungkook FIGHTING!!


I shut the book before I looked around my room. I tidied up the room a bit so it would be easier to pack.

I began grabbing the boxes Jin brought for me and setting them to the side.

I grabbed one at a time loading small things in them.

"Jungkook!" My mom yelled from downstairs as I put the shirt in my hand on the bed.

I walked downstairs slowly and tired. But there stood my mom with a huge smile on her face.

"My baby." She smiles pinching my cheeks till they turned tomato red.

I pulled away before huffing loudly. "What do you need." I said ready to get out of the room.

"Oh the wedding is tomorrow so, I wanted to give this to you." She smiled before turning around and grabbing a bag.

"Yeah.." I said peering over her shoulder to snoop of the contents.

"I have this. I want you to give it to someone you love." She smiled softly before opening a box containing a small silver ring.

"It's not much, but it means a lot. I do not want you tossing it to whomever so easily. See me and your dad fell in love at a young age and no one supported it, but us. And look at where we are; we're happily in love." My mom tested up as she handed me the ring.

I nodded before speaking, "I hope I can give it a use." I smiled before she hugged me.

I pulled away and walked back to my room. I put the box in the same drawer of my diary.

"Excited?" Jin knocked lightly on my slightly ajar bedroom door.

"I guess. I don't know anything about her really." I sighed as he invited himself in.

"You'll find out. Hopefully you two get along. I know no one wants to marry a stranger." Jin chuckled as he sat next to me.

"Aha, your right. I don't know if they can handle me." I winked playfully shooting finger guns at the older.

"So when does the ceremony, or practice begin?" I asked questioning the scene of tomorrow.

"It starts at around, about two." He said uncertain about his answer.

"Will I get to see her?" I asked wanting to know so bad.

"Not till the wedding starts." He assured me as I put on a pout.

"You are mean." I pushed the older as he chuckled. Jin smiled before getting up once again.

"Good night, I'm gonna wake you up at around eight thirty so get some sleep." Jin smiled before heading out of my room.

I yawned before laying down and dozing off.

"Good luck tomorrow." I whispered internally to myself.

this low key is like 500? words cuz i'm TIRED and wanna post his pov. I promise it'll get better hopefully.

Please enjoy this short chap.

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