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I woke up from the cool air from the vents on my bare body. I looked over at Jimin who was in a restful state as soft snores escaped his swollen lips.

I rubbed my eyes and quietly snuck to get my clothes from the floor. I dressed quickly as I didn't want Jimin to wake up from my actions.

"Kookie?" I said as the dog came running in at full speed. I almost completely forgot we had a dog.


I finished dressing and walked downstairs as Kookie clawed  at the back of my feet. I kept shooing her as it was hurting my calves. When I turned to hall and looked into the living space there sat the same black suited guy; however, three more men sat with him including my dad.

"What is going on?" I said as I knew exactly what was happening.

"We're here for your divorce." My dad smiled as nothing had happened.

"Dad I already told you I'm not divorcing Jimin." I said whispering harshly as Jimin was sleeping. I walked to the couch as I looked up at the men with a hateful expression.

"Not my problem!" My dad smiled pulling files out of his bag, "Here, sign those." He muttered handing me a pen and the paper. I flipped through the same papers as yesterday, divorce papers.

"Dad!" I shouted, still quiet in a sense, as I threw the things down on the coffee table.

"Son, if you don't sign these I'll hurt him." My dad said quietly as if Jimin was listening.

"Hurt! What are you insane?" I shouted louder than I should've. My dads eyes widened as he shrugged.

"Son! Don't object." He said sternly in annoyance, the same voice that terrified me when I was younger. When I was small and fragile to the point where I wouldn't object a thing that my dad ordered.

"I've with stood you for way too long dad. Your ruining my life. First, the marriage to a stranger. Then when I become close to them I need to leave. Dad I love him and I'm not leaving for someone as smug and evil as you!" I shouted as I felt my eyes stinging from the emotions I've kept in since the beginning of this whole ordeal.

My dad stuttered as his korean began to sound like slurred nothings. I couldn't understand his voice as he was stuttering trying to find a thing to say to convince me other wise.

"S-son!" He yelled acting tough in front of his 'friends,' or so he thinks. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Get out of my house..." I muttered as it was technically my house, but I didn't pay for it. It was just under Jimin and I.

"What?" My dad said unaware of what I said. I sighed deeply and gave a fake smile.

"Get out of my house!" I yelled raising my tone as the men jumped. My dad arched his eyebrow and crossed his chubby arms.

"Son, you will regret this!" He said walking out with the men behind him like lost puppies. I rolled my eyes as I watched them out.

"What a dad I have, huh?" I whispered under my breath. I hopped on the couch and huffed loudly as the words were kind of eerie.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Jimin said as usual. I nodded and opened my arms for the male who looked so small like a child. Jimin walked swiftly and sat in my lap. I left a kiss on his forehead as he kept his hands in the hoodie pocket, which was to obviously cover the hickeys on his fresh skin.

"Was that your dad?" He said biting his lip.

"Yeah, I told him to never return. Hopefully he quits ruining every thing." I said in a hopeful tone as there was no other way to say it than the pure defeat that still laid rested on my shoulders for some reason.

"I hope because I love you." Jimin mumbled in a soft voice. I rubbed his thigh as I listened to him talk.

"I love you." I said grabbing his squishy, rice cake cheek, and pulling my face closer to leave a small kiss on his perfect lips.

Jimin looked up at me with an innocent look and big eyes. I smiled at him slightly as his face still planted in my hand.

"So how's things with your dad?" I said wondering since Jimin rarely talked about it. Jimin sighed and looked towards his hands now in his pockets.

"I don't know.. I don't even feel sad. I barely liked they guy.. I know that's awful but things happen." He said in a monotone and cloudy voice. He did seem a bit hurt, but like he didn't feel anything. Which I understood in a way after my dad had the audacity to pull what he did.

"I understand." I said smiling grabbing his hand from his pocket and laying kisses on it. Jimins face lit up from a light blush on his cheeks.

"So are we staying together?" Jimin asked as he played with my slender fingers. I nodded smiling widely at the thought of spending forever with him.

"Of course." I smiled again placing kisses all on his reddened cheeks. He put his hands over his face and blocked my attacks.

"Jungkook, can we adopt a kid one day?" Jimin said looking into my eyes as he was beyond happy. I looked away as the thought of kids always terrified me a little bit.

"Uhh, maybe.." I said quite unsure of my choice but as long as he was happy. Jimin sucked his bottom lip as he nodded slowly.

"Okay." He said quietly as he leaned down on my shoulder. I took my hand and rubbed his hair softly.

so like someone said this is getting boring and after some thought i believe it so there's only gonna be one or two more :(

please support me after them please i will make a new book after this so please comment on which please. i need help.




please comment which and give me ideas. because i want u guys go still like what i post after this book because i love your stars and comments. 🥺🥺🥺🥺

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