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I woke up groggily with a headache worse than ever. The pain was excruciating and it almost caused me to start crying. I gripped my light blonde hair with my fingers as, I pulled my phone out of the bed sheets.

hey can u plz plz go to the store and get some medicine i think i'm sick 🤕

i'm not home rn please ask ur husband.
I mean jungkook

I sighed as I felt my forehead it was burning like fire. I got up unwillingly as I trudged to Jungkooks room upstairs. I knocked lightly as no response came. I knocked once again, but louder causing a few shuffling feet to arise behind the door.

"Hmm?" Jungkook said hazily as his voice still sleepy. His hair was messed up and misplaced, but it didn't look bad. I have noticed how Jungkook can do anything and be good at it.

"I need a favor.." I said quietly as I didn't want to give the latter orders already, but I needed this badly. I started to feel worse as I waited longer.

"What is it?" He said rubbing his eyes as his normal deeper voice had recoiled. He smiled softly while looking up at my probably unkept hair. I smiled back as I thought of what I needed from the pharmacy.

"Can you maybe go to the store for me. Jungwoo isn't here and I'm burning up with a god awful headache." I said quietly enough to hear me as my head was pounding like an upbeat kpop song.

"Uh, yeah sure!" He said nodding. He stepped forwards lifting my hair slightly giving me a 'can I?' look before I nodded. He put his slender fingers on my forehead causing the heat to ease at his cold hands before settling back into the warm feeling.

"Ooh-" He said pulling away and running to put slippers on. "I'll go right now. You don't seem well at all!" He shouted finishing his sentence.

"But-" I could barely finish as he had headed downstairs. Within 1 minute I heard the door open and shut indicating he had left.

'I have a fever not the plague.'

I sighed before slowly walking back downstairs to my bedroom on the ground floor. I got a glass of water on my way to my room. I jumped on my bed lightly and laid down feeling awful. My head was pounding bad and I just felt so suffocated.

what do you need?

things for a fever & plz some thing to kill this god AWFUL headache.

ok i'll b home n abt 30 mins traffics bad and i am starving. What you wanna eat?

Ehh something small like fries. thanks sm kook

got it and okiee ttyl!

I shut my phone off and laid down trying to sleep, but my body wouldn't let me rest as I just woke. I got up and walked to my desk and pulled out the journal I haven't written in for so long. I opened it to the next free page.

November 29, 2019
Dear diary,
today i feel AWFUL. Jungkooks at the store getting me some medicine since Jungwoo is out with Lucas I'm guessing. Jungkook and I have gotten closer. He's rarely mean anymore and when I told him i was sick he practically ran to the store.

He's a great friend <3!!

anyways i am gonna try to nap maybe my head will feel better.
xxx jimin

I smiled as I shut the yellow stitched book, and shoved it in my desk away from sight. I rubbed my deep brown eyes and laid down in the bed again.

'Attempt 2..'

I felt my eyes grow weak once again as my head my head hit the pillow rested on top. I laid staring at the roof trying to sleep even a tiny bit to kill this head ache.

I laid nested under the thick blanket casted on my bed. I tried to sweat out the fever so it wouldn't last long. The time Jungkook had been gone has felt so long.

I slowly started to drift off into sleep. I knew I wasn't waking up any time soon because I slept so soundly. I wouldn't of heard any sound from outside my deep slumber.

sksk, this is gonna be a part 2 n jks pov so that's why ya short. but thx for reading this <33! Ima go finish jks. please check out my new book if you haven't!

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