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<a - n nothing fun jus a filler rlly plz don't be disappointed except some drama>

The real reason I was envious was the moments they got to experience I haven't. I haven't seen Jungkook cry, or what he's afraid of. There is multiple things I'm yet to experience. I know I like him, but I also know that I want to know who Jungkook is.

"Jimin-ahh!" Jungkook said drawing doodles on my hand. I smiled before looking to see the younger holding something.

"What's that?" I said trying to grab it from his hands, but his height had beat me. I frowned at the action as he had took notice and cupped my face.

"It's nothing special." He said doing duck lips and pinching my chubby cheeks. I tilted my head as I peaked at the envelope still incased in his grasp.

"Then let me see!" I said jumping for the 'not to special' white envelope. Jungkook pulled his hand away from me.

"Here!" Jungkook said slowly handing me the envelope. I snatched it quickly, but with force since his grip was extremely tight.

"What?" I said frowning thinking the note was special. It was just the monthly bills, and to be frank I had forgotten we needed to pay those.

"Nothing special, huh?" Jungkook sneered sitting down at the high kitchen seat. I shook my head flipping through the pages.

"Water: $37.78. Electric: $78.30. Cable: $56.80. That's no fun." I whined setting the paper down as Jungkook giggled grabbing them.

"Did your dad give you money?" Jungkook politely spoke as he folded the papers.

"I'm not sure." I pondered. I grabbed my cell and clicked my banking app. My balance only said $205.38, so my dad didn't give me any money.

Jungkook did the same and checked his account and I peaked over his shoulder to see. His balance only had $344.90. Together we had enough, but if we did that we wouldn't have any spending money.

"I'll call my mom." Jungkook reassured us both as he clicked his mums contact.

"Mom! Hello! So we just got the bills what do you want us to do? Like do we get money, or will dad pay it? Oh okay. Mhm love you, bye mom!" Jungkook finished after about ten minutes of useless chit chat.

"So what did she say?" I said awkwardly breaking the silence.

"My dads going to pay it every month. As well as your dad is paying groceries and other things for us. But that's only for the first few years I believe. My mom said we need jobs soon.." Jungkook frowned towards the end of the sentence. I smiled slightly as I procrastinated working, but I knew I'd have to someday.

"Well that's good." I smiled trying to clear the mood. The air was awkward as we exchanged glances; unsure of what to say. Jungkook took a deep breath before standing up. He took a magnet and stuck the envelope on the fridge.

"Hungry?" Jungkook smiled opening the cabinets to see if there was anything to eat.

"Is there anything?" I asked seeing as the cabinets were pretty much empty.

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