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The fact Jungkook straight out said he liked me was the reason I freaked out. Not thatI didn't want to kiss him and touch him all over. I wanted all of that and more.

I sighed as I sat with my back against the door and cupped my knees. I felt so vulnerable about being mean to the innocent younger.

I could hear the muffled sobs from the kitchen. The sound made my heart shatter. I picked up my self and walked towards my bed.

I grabbed the sheets and lied down feeling my whole body tremble. I felt awful, even worse than I felt when I ran over my friends dog.

-a/n i-

'Is being gay even that bad?'

'Am I gay?'

'I wanted to kiss him..'

'I kissed him first, and I got a boner first..'

'I wanted him first.'

I sighed rubbing my temples as a knock hit my door after a few minutes.

"Can I come in?" A voice spoke as I hummed letting the door reveal Jungwoo.

"Hey." He spoke calm.

"Yeah?" I said wiping my wet cheeks.

"Why are you both crying? And I wanna know exactly why." Jungwoo said firmly.

"O-okay.. Well when you left I brought up the kiss me and Jungkook had the other day. And I said something along the lines of, sorry you probably didn't want to. And he stuttered then kissed me back. I honestly didn't care, because in all honesty I kinda liked it.. I don't know... and then he said he liked me. I just wasn't expecting that.. And I kinda don't wanna talk to him now it'll be awkward." I managed to say without feeling awkward or sad.

"Ahh, okay. Well why do you think you wanted to kiss him? You know if you didn't like the fact he likes you." Jungwoo said nodding.

"I-I don't know. Because he was good at it.." I shrugged not looking into his eyes.

"So, what your saying is you like kissing him?" Jungwoo added smiling like a lunatic.

"I guess so." I mumbled.

"Why don't you like him then?" Jungwoo questioned me.

"Because I'm not gay." I spoke firmly.

"But you like a kiss from a guy?" Jungwoo said backing every answer up with a question.

"Ugh! Okay yes I liked it. I may of even loved it more than anyone else!" I yelled loudly. I covered my mouth as Jungkook probably heard me. I felt my face heat up because I didn't intend on being that loud.

"It's ok. So you liked it. So tell me what your favorite things about Jungkook are? Physical first." Jungwoo said as if was a counselor.

"Ahh okay. I like his hair, his smile, his lips, his hands, his abs, his chest, his thighs, his butt, his face, his eyes, his kisses, his laughs, his big arms, when he hugs me, his teeth, I like the way he moans.." I was cut off by Jungwoo stopping me.

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