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(an) does anyone even like this story anymore 😣😣?


"Hey!" A person from the living room yelled. I got up from my bed and walked into the main area. I looked up and saw Jungkook and a suited man.

"What's going on?" I said slowly as I sat down next to Jungkook on the couch. He quickly took my hand in his.

"Ooh, hello you must be Jimin!" The man spoke fondly.

"Umm.. yeah why?" I said weirded out at his actions.

"Mr. Jeon sent me. Please sign these and mail them to the address on this envelope." He said bombarding us with papers on the table.

"Uhh, okay." Jungkook mumbled grabbing the papers. The man waved himself off before running outside quickly.

"What's his deal? He acted like someone's watching him." I giggled jokingly as I leaned on Jungkooks shoulder reading the paper.

At the top in big bold letters displayed, Divorce. My eyes widened as if the man laid a dead body on the table. Jungkooks eyes were as wide as a golf ball aswell.

"Is he insane!" He yelled throwing the contract down.

"Who was it from?" I said trying to calm down the latter.

"My dad, like does he have no heart!" Jungkook yelled ripping the contract like a mad man.

I was speechless all I could do was silently pout as I didn't want to divorce him. Jungkook turned to me as he was breathing heavily. I wrapped my arms on his waist as his took my neck. His forehead pressed mine as our breaths were in sync.

"Jimin..." Jungkook mumbled as quite a few of our conversations started like this.

"Yes Koo?" I said rubbing his waist softly.

"Can we go to your room?" He said maliciously and biting his lip. I nodded as I followed him knowing where this was leading.

(A:n a bad smut ahead by bad i mean SuCkY)

Jungkook let me come in as he locked the door behind us. I smiled at him as he looked fine when he was angry.

"I know we've been close to sleeping with one another and things, but I can't handle not sleeping with you and seriously I just wanna feel you. I want it all. To clear my mind from this and distract me with my favorite boy." He said lustfully as I bit my lip at how oddly attractive that was.

I didn't wait till further silence before Jungkook quickly dominated. He shoved me against the wall and let our lips connect. His, oh too, familiar lips that felt more natural than any other.

Jungkook deepened our kiss letting both of us gasp for more of one another. Jungkook squeezed my thigh as I opened my mouth as he used this to his advantage. He let his tongue do all kinds of things to my mouth. I couldn't keep in the heavy groans I felt from just the kiss.

Jungkook teased me by licking down my jawline letting the cold breeze sting at it. He took off my shirt as if it was wrapping paper. I smiled in full desire for the latter.

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