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Once Jungkook left my room it had felt like I'd been kicked in the stomach. The words 'I slept with a girl..' repeated in my brain like a broken record.

'Why am I feeling like this?'

I hugged the pillow next to me tightly and took deep breath luring me into sleep. I woke up due to the sunlight piercing through the white curtain. I winced and covered my eyes before kicking the curtain shut.

I turned back over and closed my eyes trying to fall back asleep. I was half asleep until a knock sounded on my wooden door. I groaned internally, but I kept still unsure of who it was.

"Jimin...?" A familiar voice sounded from behind the door. Jungkooks familiar voice, he cracked the door open and sat there. I kept my eyes squinted to see, but I didn't move. I didn't want to talk to the younger for a bit.

Jungkook took the hint of me sleeping and walked off. I rolled my eyes covering my face with the sheets again. I didn't feel good at all. I still felt quite sick and I didn't want to get up.

I reached over and patted my hand a few times blindly on the bedside table. I lifted my the blanket off my head and grabbed some medicine. I took the glass of now warm water and swallowed the pill for a headache.

I felt so nauseous, so I got up and walked towards my bathroom. I positioned my self on my knees in front of the toilet. I put my finger to the back of my throat causing small gags to escape. I threw up the food from last night. I continued to spit up, and every now and then I wiped my mouth off.

The bathroom door creaked open and revealed a worried Jungkook. I didn't even look back at him before puking up some more. It wouldn't stop coming out no matter how hard I was trying.

"Jimin!" Jungkook yelled slightly getting on his knees beside me wrapping his arms around me. I wiped my mouth and smacked his arm away. I gave him a mean glare causing a weird expression to coat his face.

"Jimin, you may be mad, but you need to get something to calm your stomach. I'll go get you some bread hold on.." Jungkook said with a worried tone. He walked off leaving me drinking water cupped in my hand from the sink. My stomach felt like when I get motion sickness, but a thousand times worse.

Jungkook came back quickly, even though I despised the male right now I wasn't feeling well. I grabbed the bread rudely and nit-picked pieces off of it.

"The bread should settle your stomach.." Jungkook mumbled softly and fiddled with his hoodie strings. I gave the boy a rude look as he bowed and walked off leaving me be.

I finished the slice of white bread and ate it all before wiping my forehead off. I sat tapping my fingers on my thigh awkwardly before walking to my bed. I laid down in it letting the sheets suffocate me with heat.

'Jungkook probably has a hangover, yet he's over here helping me...'

'Why am I thinking about his health?'

I grumbled reaching for the last tablet of headache medicine on my bed side table. I swallowed it dry as I didn't feel like getting up to get the glass in the bathroom.

'I probably shouldn't take this much, but I really don't care..'

I closed my eyes breathing deeply inhaling the groggy air underneath the blanket. A tap sound came from my bedroom door. I groaned before lifting the blanket slowly seeing Jungkook.

"What?" I said ignoring the younger completely by turning on my side. Jungkook sighed lightly before giving me a tray. I didn't look at it till the younger sighed again and left. I grabbed it a few minutes afterwards looking at its contents.

The tray held: medicine, pancakes, water, and a small note. I sat the white tray next to me on the huge bed. I ate the pancake swallowing it down with the glass of water. I grabbed the medicine and read the packaging.

'For upset stomach—headaches.'

I opened the pack and grabbed one tablet taking it with the left over water. I sat the small box aside and grabbed the pink sticky note that laid on the tray. I fumbled the note to unfold it.

'Dear Jimin,
I know your mad. You have the right to be. We were getting along and I slipped up and ran off. I went and got drunk and slept with some random girl and just ruined everything. I am so emotionally distraught and confused on some things. Please bare with. I hope this helps brighten your mood. And once I figure everything out I'll tell you. It may take a bit, but it will come. Please feel better. I'll leave you alone since you seem mad. Text me if you need me.


I read the note over a few times trying to understand what the latter meant by 'figure out.' I sat the note on the tray and laid down thinking.

'Why am I mad..? I really have no reason to be. Not like him and I are actually anything..'

'Jungkook isn't gay, but I'm not either.'

'Jimin what's up with you?'


I shook my head as Jungkook wasn't what was up with me. I have no reason to care about his actions. Although it did hurt a bit we were married and he cheated. What could I do though, we didn't set up rules. We just recently started to get along.

I snuggled into the blanket and started to drift off into a light slumber. I woke up gasping for air as I had a bad dream about Jungkook. He left me to drown because I wasn't nice to him. It was an intricate dream; it was too complex to describe.

I groaned softly grabbing my throbbing temples and huffed loudly.

idk honestly i want jimin to be mad but idk how. ;(

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