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It had been about an hour since Jungkook 'went to the bathroom.' I knew something was up, but he probably didn't want to face me.

'After all, we were kissing around this time a hour ago.'

I decided to find my phone which was completely dead. I plugged it up into the white cord while waiting for the apple sign to show up.

After a minute or so, my cell vibrated indicating it had powered on. I tapped the green messages icon and tapped Jungkooks name.

about earlier, are u good?
seriously jungkook?!
i see.

I sighed as the younger was ignoring my instant messages. I took another tablet for a headache. I laid back down in my bed thinking reasons why Jungkook would ignore me.

'He don't wanna get sick..?'

'No it was over text..'

'He kissed me?'

'He didn't seem too bothered, besides it was for my medicine nothing else.'

'I fell on top of him?'

'No he didn't do anything he sat hugging me.'

'Is he ga- he couldn't possibly be!'

I stopped thinking at that thought and when my phone buzzed.



i'm sorry for leaving u on read, but I jus need to figure some things out.

oh it's k.

i'm going out for a drink later.

aren't you underage ? we're the same age right?

ur a few months older. but idc i'll figure a way. I just needa get some things out of my mind. or think about them some more.

what things?

Why do you care-

what's wrong with you?! we were literally laughing and everything earlier-?

i honestly don't know, jimin.

maybe u will come back as ur usual self. :(

Mhm. ima go bye.

I didn't answer the cocky younger. He was being extremely rude and selfish. I grumbled tossing my phone down on the empty space of mattress next to me. I heard some footsteps coming from down stairs, Jungkooks foot steps. I growled as he passed my door and went towards the exit.

I opened my door and peered out looking at him. I saw his brown hair disappear behind the now shut front door. I sighed shutting my door quietly.

'What's wrong with him..?'

I decided to ignore the boys childish and ignorance. I walked over to my desk, and I pulled out the journal I was all too familiar with.

November 29, 2019
dear diary,
today was good till earlier:(
I woke up sick and I wasn't feeling good at ALL. I sent jungkook to give me medicine as i wrote last entry kekeke.

but he was nice enough to get me medicine and it has helped with my fever and things. he actually i think wiped the sweat off me and changed my shirt.

because i know i didn't sleep in a black shirt. he also kissed me to give me the fever medicine as i guess i was in need-?

but i hugged him for a thanks and he looked so cute and flustered when i fell on top of him. but after i laid down next to jungkook he jumped off and ran. it made the bed feel empty. for some reason him next to me made me feel reassurance. i don't know, but I do know he's underage and out getting drunk right now for some reason.

i hope it wasn't cause of me..

xxx jimin

thanks for reading this filler NoW WhEn I PoSt ThE nExT chAp iT shOuLd b JkS DruNk TiNgZ- 😙😙

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